Reference no: EM131714839
Stereotyping and discrimination are not only experienced by women and minorities, but by everyone. Everyone has been a victim or will become a victim of unfair treatment in the workplace. Even if you believe you have not yet experienced discrimination, eventually you will. In time you will become or be perceived as “one of them.” You will be perceived as “old or older” or you will incur a “disability,” and therefore become a member of a protected group under federal law. Examples of protected groups include: (1)women (2)minorities (3)people with disabilities (4)people 40 years or older
Being stereotyped and discriminated because of certain characteristics that we have no control over is a workplace reality. A frequent work-related experience with discrimination that most people tend to experience occurs during the hiring or promotion process. For example, the “best qualified person” applying for a job is not always hired due to unfairness, discrimination and/or misinformation.
The “Hiring Assignment” requires each student to identify an incident or experience where the student or someone the student knows, “perceived” that the best qualified person applying for a job was not hired.
Note: The Assignment drop box for submitting the Hiring Assignment is located in Week 8 - however, students can submit the Hiring Assignment early by submitting the assignment to the instructor thru email.
student’s response (to each question). The 7 questions are:
1. Identify an incident or experience (the facts or background information surrounding the experience) where the student or someone the student knows “perceived” that the best qualified person applying for a job was not hired?
2. Approximate date that the experience occurred?
3. What was the approximate age (at the time of the experience) and gender of the best qualified person who was not hired?
4. What was the job title of the position applied for?
5. What was the sector of the economy where the experience took place (for example; manufacturing sector, service sector, etc.)?
6. Why do you (or the person you know) believe that the best qualified person was not hired? Be specific?
7. Based on this experience, what advice would you give an employer to ensure that the best qualified person who applies for a job is hired?