Discoss about the sustainable consumptions in target market

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131760489 , Length: word count : 1500

Essay Topic: "Marketers are not doing enough in directing their target markets toward sustainable consumptions " Must be of 1500 words.

Marking Guide:

Focus and detail - clear main ideas and well supported by detail and accurate information 

Organisation of the essay - Information is relevant and presented in logical order

Sentences, structure, grammar, mechanics and spelling

References and referencing skills

Reference no: EM131760489

Questions Cloud

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Discoss about the sustainable consumptions in target market : Essay Topic: "Marketers are not doing enough in directing their target markets toward sustainable consumptions "
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When are companies likely to use a job costing system : Describe the specific characteristics and provide at least 1 examples from a company in your community for the system?
What is the underapplied or overapplied overhead : What is the underapplied or overapplied overhead for each six-month period? Label your answer as underapplied or overapplied
What is the template for a citation for a business case : What is the template for a citation for a business case? It's the ryerson university bus 800 supplementary book.


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