Discomfort was tolerable did not seek medical attention

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133671208


A teenage girl suffered from a severe sore throat, but because the discomfort was tolerable, did not seek medical attention. The patient reported that the sore throat spontaneously healed after about a week. During a routine sports physical several weeks after recuperating from the sore throat, a physician noted abnormal heart sounds suggestive of heart valve damage. For now, assume the same bacterium led to both the original sore throat and then later the damage to her heart valves. Question A B What bacterium is the likely cause of the disease? What disease(s) does the patient currently have? Previously? What other way(s) could you use to classify this disease? What specifically is causing the patient's symptoms? Would antibiotics help to prevent further damage? If so, what would you prescribe? If not, why? How could this have been prevented?

Reference no: EM133671208

Questions Cloud

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