Discipline investigation of a profession

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Reference no: EM131026850

Discipline Investigation of a Profession


According to the Discipline Investigation Assignment sheet, the purpose of Discipline Investigation Assignment is to investigate a discourse community you hope to join and to learn about the kinds of texts (genres) that community uses. I interviewed a professional and used outside research to make it clear what job of marketing is. My audiences are my instructor, classmates and other faculty member on LLD 100A portfolio committee. 

The discourse community I investigated is marketing. There are many kinds of marketing; for example, cooperative marketing, online marketing, brand marketing, call center marketing, and channel marketing. The marketing discourse community deals with The marketer plays a huge role in the companies: to identify and select and develop a product, determine its price, select a distribution channel to provide the customer’s place, and develop and implement a proportional strategy. Each company has different products and situations, so marketers have to make strategies according to circumstances. 

I chose marketing as my major at San Jose State University because I like to analyze why makers make the products, they are sold or not sold, and how to make products better. I thought about a cause why no one bought a laptop sleeve when I looked for a laptop sleeve, and one kind of laptop sleeves were unsold and reduced the prices. And, I imagined if I were a maker, I would use different fabric. It is interesting for me to think about those things. Also, I have a dream to sell Japanese products to many countries. I believe that products are one of factors to connect people, so I want to meet many people through my job.   I searched how connect between what I always think and a job on internet. My best answer was that I improve my English abilities and study marketing in the U.S.A. I took introduction to Marketing last semester and realized it is not easy job; however, I was sure that it was a job I wanted to do. I excited to study marketing while I imagined that I would work as a marketer in the future.  I interviewed a marketer named Reginald Murray that worked at Philips and Marvell of semiconductor company. 

In the rest of the paper, I will investigate the background, career path, roles, responsibilities, and communication skill of the marketer I interviewed. In the conclusion section, I will share expectation changed, and further skills needed to prepare for entering a marketing field. 

Discipline Investigation

Background and Career path

I interviewed a marketer who worked at Philips and Marvell. He worked as a marketing manager and marketing director to increase their sales. He has a Bachelor of Science Engineer of is Mechanics engineers from University of California, Los Angels, Master of Business studies of Business Administration of Pepperdine University and Doctor of Education of Pepperdine University. He was the founder of miniature disc drive company MiniStor Peripherals Corporation and worked there between 1991 and 1995, worldwide marketing manager at Philips semiconductors from 1995 to 1998, marketing Director at Marvell from 1998 to2003 and program director at Marvell semiconductor from 1998 to 2003. Then, he received a PhD to become a professor. So, he has experience in R&D, Engineering, Operations, Program Management & Marketing for 25 years. I focused on asking his working at Philips and Marvell as a marketing manager and marketing director.  He said “there is no requirement to be a marketer. However, when you start your career, the basic marketing knowledge you study at SJSU is useful.”  So, a bachelor’s degree is the usually preferred. In his case, he was interested in the technology, so chose engineering major and improve his knowledge from it. According to all business schools, the Public Relation Society of America offers professional certification based on years’ experience and passing an exam, the marketing research association offers the professional researcher certification (PRC) for market research analysis, and the American Marketing Association recommends the Professional Certified Marketer(PCM) credential, which demonstrates that you have mastered essential marketing practices and stay current in your professional knowledge. Those are not necessary in a marketing career, but when you earn master’s degree or a master in Business Administration(MBA), you usually take them. (all business schools) Murray doesn’t have those certifications because PRC was made in 1994 after his graduating from the school. Moreover, he didn’t have Master’s degree with 2 years of work experience at that time, so the school didn’t offer to take the test. Murray’s expectation was the company grew by his strategies. Marvell founded in 1995, and he started to work from1998. The company was small at that time, so he was excited that he could see the company became bigger and famous. His favorite part of the job was that his strategies contributed to sales. 

Role and Responsibility

The duties of marketers are to make strategic plans for selling the products to the target market. Murray said, marketers must always care about the markets and marketing research is one of important duties. American marketing association says that marketing research is the function that links the consumer, customer, and public to the marketer through information--information used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems; generate, refine, and evaluate marketing actions; monitor marketing performance; and improve understanding of marketing as a process the function (AMA.org). He said “marketersmust understand about trends in the market including rival companies’ products such as qualities, prices and sales. Also, they have to understand what customers want and need, so they interview or send questionnaire to their customers. Next, marketers map out strategies or verify whether the strategies they made are appropriate or not. If the strategies are not appropriate, the marketers need to change them on this stage. They also mention about product functionality and features and risk-reward sharing for innovation. Another role is that making routes between multiple organizations and their companies for selling products. Finally, marketers persuade others such as their bosses and other sections using their functional knowledge for reaching their services and products to customers.”

Murray had some responsibilities.  First, he forecasted how much products sell and production can meet demand. If demand decreased or remained, he was responsible for find new strategies such as promotion and programs to increase it. Second, he was responsible for keeping the quality of his products. Third, he grasped whether his sales people were well trained on products and service and reach their sales targets using sales promotion, program and tools. Forth, he had to ensure that his team has the high motivation. His biggest challenge he faced in the job was budget was small for his team’s strategies even thought the company had high expectation. His team spend much time for meeting and got good strategies. So, budget is also important factor when they make strategies. 

Communication Skill

The types of writing utilized on the job are used on e-mails, presentations, notes, reports. First, he used e-mails for his bosses, co-workers when he wanted to share information such as changing strategies and customers. Also, when he sent questionnaires and information to their customers or potential customers, he used e-mails. Second, he had presentations when he had opportunities to present about products, services and programs to customers or potential customers. So, he developed marketing materials such as power point and handouts. Also, he had presentations to explain his strategies in front of his bosses and people of other sections. Third, he took notes when he got about new knowledge, information and plans for him. Forth, he made reports about his strategies, processes and results for his bosses, and also he made reports for other sections when he found new trends. Then, writing is important skill for marketers because there are many opportunities to relate to bosses, co-walkers and customers through e-mails, presentations and reports.  He said he worked with team members, so it was important how to collaborate with team members and reach the best solution for good sales. For example, when a team member miss objective for one segment, another team member supports to improve the performance. Then, good oral communication is necessary for marketers.


The thing that surprised me he had heavy responsibilities that affect the business viability. Marketers have to care about market trends, customers, budget of strategies and sales and generate ideas how to sell the products. Also, I was surprised that there are many opportunities that marketers relate to many people. I imagined that the job of marketing was to just research the markets. So, communication abilities are important. 

My expectation of job that there was no presentation; however, I realized that it is possible to have presentations after I interviewed him. I become nervous when I present in front of people. So, I have to get over about it. Also, marketers need writing skills. What I should do is to improve writing and communication skills in English. 


I still want to work as a marketer in the future even thought there are difficulties such as writing and communication skills. I could know what I should do now for my future through discipline investigation of a profession. Therefore, I just make efforts to improve my those skills and graduate from San Jose State University now.

Reference no: EM131026850

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