Discern about the underlying cultural values

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132859692

- Do you think it is possible for an outsider to accurately discern about the underlying cultural values of an organization by analyzing symbols, ceremonies, dress, or other observable aspects of culture in comparison to an insider with several years of work experience? Select a percentage (e.g., 10%, 70%, etc.) and explain your reasoning.

- A noted organization theorist once said, "Pressure for change originates in the environment. Pressure for stability originates within the organization." Do you agree?

-If managers frequently use experience and intuition to make complex, non-programmed decisions, how do they apply evidence-based management (which seems to suggest that managers should rely on facts and data)?

-In a rapidly changing organization, are decisions more likely to be made using the rational or political model of organization?

Reference no: EM132859692

Questions Cloud

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