Reference no: EM13335445
Assignment 1: Disaster Management
Select a natural disaster that has occurred twice 10-15 years apart in the same state or region. Analyze the two incidents based on the following points:
• The nature and magnitude of the disasters
• The health status of individuals affected by the disasters. Include information about victims’ physical health, and social health statuses.
• The type of relief efforts provided by governmental, non-governmental, and private organizations in each disaster.
• Inadequacies in relief efforts in the first disaster, and any improvements made during in the second disaster.
• Relief effort inadequacies during the second disaster. Recommend ways to address these.
Present the findings in the form of a 4-page comparative study. Conclude the study by including measures to further improve disaster/relief management.
Name your document as:
For example, if your name is John Smith, your report will be named SmithJ_W5_A1.doc
Submit your comparative study, citing appropriate references, to the appropriate Discussion Area by Tuesday, May 15, 2012. Through Thursday, May 17, 2012, review your peers’ work and comment on their comparative analysis and recommendations.