Disagreement with two of jose coworkers

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133733555


Jose is working at a logging company for the summer. Recently, his manager got into a disagreement with two of Jose's coworkers. The coworkers both wanted to try a new process they read about recently, but his manager said the old process worked fine. However, the next day, Jose's manager approached his coworkers and said he researched the process they suggested and he was willing to try it for their next project. Is Jose's manager demonstrating good leadership skills? Yes, he is willing to consider multiple perspectives. Yes, he is making good decisions under pressure. No, he is unwilling to consider other people's ideas. No, he is not identifying strength in others.

Reference no: EM133733555

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Disagreement with two of jose coworkers : Jose is working at a logging company for the summer. Recently, his manager got into a disagreement with two of Jose's coworkers.
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