Disadvantages to living in an information age

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM1379529

Question1. Discuss some of the disadvantages to living in an Information Age?

Question2. At present more and more people rely on computers to create, store, and manage critical information. Thus, it is important that computers and the data they store are accessible and available when needed and also that the systems work in the manner they are designed to. That is, the programs do what they were designed to do in the way they are supposed to. It also is critical that users take measures to protect their computers and data from loss, damage and misuse. Discuss your position or comment on the above statement.

Question3. Every phase of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) has its nuances and complexities. However, the final phase of maintenance is the trickiest of all. By maintenance, we are referring to that phase where bugs are fixed and improvements are made. Typically, on a large-scale software project, these activities account for about 80-85% of all financial and human resources.

Why do you think this might be? To be sure, there are a number of reasons.

Shouldn't the majority of expenses be incurred during actual development?

Since maintenance takes up such a huge chunk of resources, shouldn't software be developed with the ease of maintenance in mind?

Question4. A main driver for completion of a project is the deadline, but the sacrifice is usually the quality. Why can't companies see the pattern and break away from it?

Question5. If maintenance costs more then development it would be in the companies best interest to work for the greatest profit and put more resources in the preparation and development phases.

Do you think that companies internally decide not to time to analyze the cost in maintenance and don't realize the impact on the project?


Reference no: EM1379529

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