Direct mapped cache- word, block, tag

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM1379649

Think about a byte addressable computer with twenty-four bit addresses, a cache capable of storing a total of 64KB of data, and blocks of 32 bytes. Demonstrate the format of a 24-bit memory address for:

A. Direct Mapped Cache: word, block, tag (number of bits in decimal)
B. Fully Associative Cache: word, tag (number of bits in decimal)
C. 4-way set Associative Cache: word, set, tag (number of bits in decimal)


Reference no: EM1379649

Questions Cloud

Creating programs to compute : Compare zero-, one-, two-, and three-address machines through writing programs to compute X = (A+B X C)/D - E X F)
Evaluate a dbms in terms of lock granularity : Suppose you are asked to evaluate a DBMS in terms of lock granularity and the different locking levels. Create a simple database environment in which these features would be important.
Creating a c++ program : A text document with machine code for little man's computer following instruction set. Instructions are in different lines.
Define cache and its purpose : Describe what a cache is and what its purpose is. Also explain what data gets placed into the cache, and when it is put there.
Direct mapped cache- word, block, tag : Think about a byte addressable computer with twenty-four bit addresses, a cache capable of storing a total of 64KB of data, and blocks of 32 bytes.
Find the sizes of the tag, block and word fields : Assume that a computer using direct mapped cache has 2^24 words of main memory and a cache of sixty-four blocks, where each cache block contains sixteen words.
Format of a memory address : Assume that a computer using a set associative cache has 2^16 words of main memory and a cache of thirty-two blocks, where each cache block contains eight words.
Question about memory effectiveness : The following memory partitions of 100 kb, 500 kb, 200 kb, 300 kb, and 600 kb, how would each of the 1st-fit, best-fit, and worst-fit algorithms place processes of 212 kb, 417 kb, 112 kb, and 426 kb?
Comparing the cache blocks : A computer using direct mapped cache has 2^24 words of main memory and a cache of 256 blocks. Every cache block contains sixty-four words.


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