Dimensional strategic group map

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133331166


Produce a 2-dimensional strategic group map of the key 6-12 firms in the global passage-car industry (conventional and electric cars) with an explanation of the dimensions you have selected and your logic in plotting the positions tesla and its competitors.

Reference no: EM133331166

Questions Cloud

Strategy for international component of business model : How can Airbnb ensure the ethical treatment of consumers? Should there be a separate strategy for the international component of their business model?
Organizational culture influence creativity : How can organizational culture influence creativity both negatively and positively? Does a Christian worldview shape/influence creativity?
Organizational behavior to our global society : Discuss the importance of Organizational Behavior to our global society?
Create equity or justice based : Create equity or justice based on which days Sabbath is observed?
Dimensional strategic group map : Produce a 2-dimensional strategic group map of the key 6-12 firms in global passage-car industry with explanation of the dimensions
Explain the impact of globalisation : Explain the impact of globalisation on both large and small businesses. Choose and then research on two different companies from the same industry
Facilitate employee improvement : Besides feedback during an evaluation, what other measures can you employ to facilitate employee improvement when there are noted deficiencies?
Mayo clinic florida to improve for timely and effective care : Using your own words define two to three SMART goals for Mayo Clinic Florida to improve for timely and effective care.
How they affect your effectiveness and efficiency : What information systems do you use daily either personally or at work? Explain how they affect your effectiveness and efficiency.


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