Digitally publish regular original posts on issues

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Reference no: EM132349861 , Length: word count:1600

Assignment - Critical Digital Publishing Task

Task - Working individually and using the designed digital publishing system (Wordpress), students digitally publish regular original posts on issues, themes and example raised in the lectures and readings throughout the first half of the semester.


Summary: Before we get digital (digital... we wanna get dig-i-tal, let's get into digital!), we need to get literate. This week we consider what literacy actually means - moving beyond dictionary and 'common sense' definitions to a specialist understanding as communications scholars. We draw on some 'classic' communications ideas by Birmingham school scholar Richard Hoggart, leading up to contemporary ideas and applications of digital literacy by Australian academic John Hartley. Importantly - we consider not just what digital literacy is, but what it's used for, and what it says about the people who engage with it. Then we bust some myths about the "digital natives" and our ability to multitask effectively, and how well we actually learn (or not!) when trying to both listen to the lecture and read Facebook at the same time.

Activities -

Skills for working ‘smarter not harder' when working with academic texts part #1 - grasping "reasoning" using Cottrell's method (Cottrell, 2012: 3) with Hartley's text

We will set up our main practical output for this course, establishing your Wordpress site (using specific instructions and the given URL in class). This will form the basis of both of your assignments for this course.

Exploration of assignment one requirements and weekly progress expectations.

Draft and publish your first post on your new Wordpress site. Details and examples will be provided in class, but we recommend you get in sooner rather than later to get yourself acquainted with the platform.


Summary: This week we challenge some of our assumptions about digital literacy - importantly, assumptions about access rather than just desire or education. Again, this moves us to consider people when we consider digital literacy - the people who are able to access the technology required to be digitally literate, and the assumptions people make about them who have different experiences and expectations.


Skills for working ‘smarter not harder' when working with academic texts part #2 - strategies for critical thinking. Applying Cottrell's method to Rennie et al's text.

We consider scenarios for inclusion, building on what we've learned so far and projecting to the future.

Your next blog post. Also - don't forget to start considering format as well as content - is your font/colour scheme easy to read? Try logging in from another computer/device to check.

Attachment:- Digital Publishing Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM132349861

Questions Cloud

Why is strict liability treated differently : Why is strict liability treated differently from other torts in that no intent is required?
How do you intend to evaluate your capstone project : Discuss how your research inquiry relates to evidence-based practice. What practice improvement outcomes do you expect your inquiry to accomplish?
Difference in the amount and size of awards for negligent : What rationale supports the difference in the amount and size of awards for negligent versus intentional torts?
I shall rent another shop and go on trading : What advice would you give him in terms of each of the following questions which he asks you? (a) 'Times have been very hard for me lately.
Digitally publish regular original posts on issues : Critical Digital Publishing Task - Using the designed digital publishing system (Wordpress), students digitally publish regular original posts on issues
Write planning and requirements definition : The Role of the Nurse Informaticist in Systems Development and Implementation. Assume you are a nurse manager on a unit where a new nursing documentation system
Summarize your news story and its contributions : For this module's discussion, research a recent science news event that's occurred in the last six months. The event should come from a well-known news source.
Improved aerobic fitness increases exercise tolerance : What mechanisms explain how improved aerobic fitness increases exercise tolerance in a warm, humid environment?
How you would work up-diagnose and treat : You are to do a power point presentation using the following headings below. Present a typical patient with this disease process and how they would present.



7/31/2019 11:08:34 PM

Total words 4 * 400 = 1600 words. Harvard Ref - Number of ref: above 2 each. Rubric: Critical Digital Publishing Task - 40% of total course grade. Proficiency in critical digital task setup (15%) Demonstrates outstanding proficiency in critical digital task setup, according to given instructions. This includes successfully publishing at the specified URL allocated in class, and completing four published critical reflection critical digital task post to a very good standard. The critical digital task presentation and design/readability is distinct and appropriate, demonstrating an advanced understanding and application of the form.


7/31/2019 11:08:27 PM

Relevance of content and issues covered (25%) Presents the required amount of content relevant to the content and issues covered in lectures and tutorials to an excellent level. There is an outstanding demonstration of the relevance of this material to this course, with the response using a clear and specific citation and contextualisation to the required three academic sources, as well as exploring, where appropriate, further issues/approaches. Depth of critical reflection in critical digital task posts (25%) The critical digital task posts demonstrate outstanding depth of critical reflection, approaching the complexities of issues and content raised in the course so far to a very impressive standard. This is a nuanced and coherent submission, clearly developed through careful drafting.


7/31/2019 11:08:22 PM

Clarity and appropriate genre of expression (25%) The critical digital task demonstrates a excellent clarity and employs an appropriate genre of expression. There is outstanding use of academic tone and approach, as specified in the task instructions, and the correct use of UTS Harvard referencing. Nuanced consideration of digital literacy from an indigenous perspective – 10% The submitted assignment includes excellent evidence of a nuanced consideration of digital literacy from an indigenous perspective. It incorporates appropriate evidence to support these claims, using readings from the course in a thoughtful way, as well as additional appropriate materials.

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