Reference no: EM13948121 , Length: word count:2500
Learning objectives
This assignment specifically addresses the following learning objectives of the course:
Demonstrate effective communication by composing writing that communicates ideas, meaning and/or argument in a format that broadly follows conventions in the information systems field.
Apply technology and online skills to locate relevant information for the assignments, analyse the presented problems and data, and engage in the use of the resources provided on UConnect.
Critical Analysis
You have just been hired as the Information Systems Manager of a successful multinational software services provider with offices in cities across the globe. You provide major software transaction services to News Paper industry to incorporate the digital economy (based on digital transformation, which is your specialisation). Your services include wide range of services to be able to provide one window solutions for digital transformation, such as data capture, data management, data analytics and data transcription are just few to mentioned hear.
Due to the volumes of data going through your organisation, the CEO approached you to provide an initial report on digital transformation for the news paper industry and management such systems within the organisation. He is keen to try this as an innovation in the organisation, and would like to carefully consider various strategies required to implementing such a system in the organisation. The first four-week course materials provide you some basis for this Major Report 1, but you need to undertake independent research to present a high quality report.
You are required to research the background for a project (digital transformation for the news paper industry) to implement and manage such Systems. You will consider current organisational aspect, and then recommend a way forward as to how this can be accomplished, through a management report, to the CEO.
The scope of this assignment is restricted to the following key aspects:
1. How digital transformation for the news paper industry systems are utilised in other organisations and what are the risks (max half page)
2. What experiences are gained by other companies in using digital transformation for the news paper industry systems (max 1 page)
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a digital transformation for the news paper industry concept in an organisation (max half page)
4. The scope to which you recommend this organisation to utilise digital transformation for the news paper industry systems concept (max 1 page)
5. The infrastructure required to realise such a concept (max 1 page), and
6. Best-practice for how this concept should be managed (max half page).
The above components are presented to the CEO, therefore need to be precise, succinct and meaningful. For the purpose of the assignment, you can choose an organisation of your choice, and provide details of this organisation in the scope (a separate section - not more than half page), and then build the assignment.
The assignment should be thoroughly researched, with evidence provided through references.
The CEO is keen to see a well argued case, highlighting insights as to the above 6 key aspects, and would like to see strong points arguing your case as to the infrastructure requirements and best-practice.
As this domain is new to the CEO, he is not able to provide too many details and expect you to conduct whatever research is required in arriving at the report. When you conduct your research, you will map the content researched to your course weekly materials so that what has been taught can be applied. This mapping will be presented as a table in an Appendix
The assignment will have three additional submission components in an appendix in addition to the 6 key aspects. They are:
1. A cover letter stating an estimated resource and time schedule
2. A 5000 character report providing background details of the company
3. A table showing the mapping of course content with material researched. This table will have, author details, paper tile, year of publication, journal details, key words/phrases you considered for your report, the comparable topics form weekly course content.
The report is provided to the CEO of the organisation and needs to be top class in presentation. You have absolute freedom in all other aspects.