Reference no: EM13864788
Digital Signal Processing
Description of Assignment
1. Explain in brief the design stages for digital IIR filters. Design a low pass IIR filter to meet the following specification.
Pass band: 3-5 kHz
Stop band: 0-1 kHz
Pass band ripple: 1 dB
Stop band attenuation: 60 dB
Sampling Frequency: 10 kHz
(high pass with elliptic characteristics)
Obtain the filter frequency response.
2. A linear phase FIR band pass filter is required to satisfy the following specification:
Pass band: 12-16 Hz
Transition Width: 3 Hz
Pass band ripple: 0.01 dB
Stop band attenuation: 80 dB
Sampling Frequency: 96 Hz
Obtain the magnitude-frequency response of the filter with aid of MATLAB for any of the two case:
a. Using Hamming window
b. Using Kaiser window
c. Using Optimal Method
d. Using frequency sampling method
Compare the two cases. Take the screen shoot of the output and pin it along with the report. (25 marks)
3. Implement above FIR band pass filter using Code composer studio- C (CCS C) software and TMS320C6713 DSP chip by Texas Instrument s 6713 DSK board for the about filter specification. Write the program for implementing the digital filter using CCS software. Obtain the filter frequency response.
Pass band: 12-16 Hz
Transition Width: 3 Hz
Pass band ripple: 0.01 dB
Stop band attenuation: 80 dB
Sampling Frequency: 96 Hz
4. Prepare a detailed report on Adaptive equalization of Digital filter.
1. Brief on the main design stages. Explain each of the stages with the given specification in detail
a. Performance specification explanation
b. Explain briefly four coefficient calculation methods and use any method for the given filter specification
c. Analyze error due to Finite word length effect
2. Obtain the magnitude-frequency response of the filter
a. Specify the desired frequency response
b. Calculate design parameters to compute the filter coefficient
c. Write the MATLAB program for two selected method
d. Obtained Filter coefficients
e. Plot the magnitude frequency response spectrum for the selected method
f. Compare the result
3. Write CCS - C program in order to implement the digital filter for given specification by using calculated filter coefficients.
a. Emulate real time FIR digital filter on DSP chip and obtain the magnitude frequency response spectrum
b. Export filter coefficients generated by your MATLAB program to CCS - C.
4. Explain in detail Adaptive Equalization of digital Filter (650 words) application where digital is used, for example in loud speaker equalization, and the frequency response spectrum/ block diagram of the filter used.
Working arrangements
This is an individual course work
The main report can follow the outline
Lecture review
- Design stages for IIR filter
- Application of digital filter
Design Criteria
- Design calculation for IIR filter
- Compute design parameters for filter coefficient
Software Implementation
- Matlab program for the selected methods to calculate filter coefficient and plot the frequency response spectrum
- CCS program to implement the digital filter on chip
Real time implementation
- Emulation result for the filter design conclusion
- Discussion on methodology and solution implemented and result achieved.