Reference no: EM132674194
Students will produce a digital poster outlining an inclusive management initiative around one of the dimensions of diversity discussed in classes (Gender, LGBTIQ+, Religion, Disability, Age or Culture) which could be showcased in a business.
The task will require students to outline some brief theory highlighting the importance of inclusion in the context of this dimension in terms of employee wellness outcomes. Posters must also include a planned ‘initiative' for the workplace. The poster and initiative should encourage education and celebration around the chosen dimension in a workplace setting. This should be displayed in a professional and appealing way on a digital poster and a reference list should also be submitted with the poster.
WHICH DIMENSION OF DIVERSITY SHOULD I CHOOSE? You can choose from: Gender LGBTIQ+ Religion Disability Age Culture Although we covered multiple aspects in a couple of the weeks, please make your focus on a specific area - as the video feedback stated - go for DEPTH OVER BREADTH.
Yes, you should be using ROBUST ACADEMIC JOURNAL ARTICLES to base your presentation of theory on. These should be listed on a reference list that is also attached in APA FORMAT. How many? You should aim to use at least 5 ACADEMIC references. HOW DO I MAKE A DIGITAL POSTER? You can actually download some free templates online or you use Powerpoint (they also have poster templates available) and even in Word you can re-size your file to an appropriate format. If you look on YouTube, there are quite a few tutorials. The typical poster size is A0 or A1 - it is good to make the poster large, so that you can add colour, pictures and an appealing layout.
WHAT IF I AM STRUGGLING WITH THE DIGITAL FORMAT? If this seems tricky or you just prefer using a piece of poster paper and sticking on pictures and text, you can do so and then take a CLEAR photograph of the poster for submission. It is still best to TYPE your text so that there is no difficulty for markers to read what you are presenting.