Digital media is found throughout all business

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM13726852


Today, digital media is found throughout all business and personal activities making it necessary to have a high level of understanding of both the sources of content, as well as the methods in which the information is consumed. The responsible utilization of digital media requires individuals to have an awareness of the global, social, ethical, and legal contexts in which the digital media is consumed.
Students are required to select a topic related to global, social, ethical, or legal issues with digital media. You will perform in-depth research and provide an explanation of how an issue associated with your selected topic relates to the consumption of digital media.

Formatting Requirements

  • Project must follow APA style
  • Section Headings (See Below)
  • Double-spaced 1 inch margins
  • 12 point professional font
  • Headers including project name, class, and page numbers
  • File name first initial, last name and project (ex. BWright_paper)
  • Use of tables, graphs, images, etc. of appropriate size that are relevant to the information being conveyed is highly encouraged.

1. Content Requirements

  • Minimum of 2500 words, maximum 3000 words (excluding cover and bibliographical pages)
  • Title Page including your name, instructor name, course name and number, and paper title

2. Research Paper Requirements (These are your major section headings: Introduction, Research, Findings, Context, Conclusion. Include additional headings under these major sections)

  • Outline
  • Introduction

3. Body

  • Research
  • Findings
  • Context

4. Conclusion

5. Bibliography with minimum of 2 professional / scholarly sources. Wikipedia is not acceptable.

Reference no: EM13726852

Questions Cloud

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Digital media is found throughout all business : Today, digital media is found throughout all business and personal activities making it necessary to have a high level of understanding of both the sources of content, as well as the methods in which the information is consumed.
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