Digital marketing specialist who is working as freelancer

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Reference no: EM133541018



For this assignment, you are given the role of Digital Marketing Specialist who is working as a freelancer. Your main service is selling SEO solutions to small- to medium-sized companies.

In order to begin client acquisition, you know that you must perform an SEO needs assessment on potential clients. With this in mind, you begin to search for local businesses on which to perform an SEO needs assessment (SEO auditing).


Choose any industry to begin searching for potential clients.

Within your selected industry, choose one (1) company that would fit the criteria for a potential client, with a decent and recognizable amount of SEO history.

Conduct a full and complete SEO needs assessment (audit) on this company.

Discuss and outline what feedback you have chosen for the company.



In Part 1 of the major project, you were tasked with completing an SEO needs assessment.

Now that that is completed, in Part 2 you must develop a complete SEO strategy, based on your needs assessment. You recognize that at some point in time during your customer acquisition you will need to pitch your findings to the company you selected.

Note: Give recommendations and provide reasoning for all of your strategic processes.


Based on your recommendations and needs assessment, develop a complete SEO strategy.

Provide reasoning and explanations for your SEO components and why you think it will be beneficial.



Now that you have completed an SEO needs assessment and strategy for your chosen companies, you are tasked with the communication of your assessment and strategy.

Your final task is to essentially "pitch" your findings to the CEO/marketing executives of the companies you selected previously. Your ability to communicate your findings will help convince the executives that they should work with you as their Digital Marketing Specialist.

Simplify the language and processes; use common language to explain the more technical jargon and justify the value of your strategies.


Based on your recommendations, SEO needs assessment, and comprehensive SEO strategy in the previous two parts of the project, you must now pitch your findings and initiatives to the CEO/marketing executives of the companies you previously selected.

Prepare a report and presentation that will encompass everything you previously researched. Be ready to justify your selections and convince the executives (your instructor) to buy into your services.

Give recommendations and provide reasoning for all of your strategic processes.

Reference no: EM133541018

Questions Cloud

Discuss the role of export credit agencies : Discuss the role of export credit agencies (ECAs) in facilitating international trade and how they support exporters and importers in managing risk
About your leadership skill and style : What have you discovered about your leadership skill and style as a defender personality trait and a Building Service supervisor at NYU Langone Hospital
Define the research objectives-questions-hypotheses : Define the research objectives/questions/hypotheses. Develop a Qualitative Research Proposal for the provided case.
Explain how you would plan to develop your dissertation : Kindly explain how you would plan to develop your dissertation title. Also, explain the difference between quantitative and qualitative research methods.
Digital marketing specialist who is working as freelancer : You are given role of Digital Marketing Specialist who is working as freelancer. Your main service is selling SEO solutions to small- to medium-sized companies
Stages of the product life cycle : Explain how this dead brand or product went through the four stages of the product life cycle. Explain how services differ from goods.
Implement digital marketing for them semester : Find any SME willing to allow you to implement digital marketing for them this semester. The business must deliver real goods/services to real customers.
Propose outline digital marketing plan : Propose an outline digital marketing plan for brand of your choice and justify your recommendations.
Focus of the company-goods and services : Provide an overview for each company which will include detailed information regarding the focus of the company, goods and/or services


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