Digital marketing plan of travel agency

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Reference no: EM133313065

Digital Marketing plan of travel agency. Include all of the following sections:

Company overview

Give an overview of your business. Why does your business exist and how does it fill a need or improve an aspect of your target audience's life?

Describe your marketing team. What is your approximate marketing budget, if any?

Target customers

Identify two customer segments that you want to target for this marketing plan. For each segment, describe the geographics, demographics, psychographics, and customer behaviour of this segment of customers.

Website and E-commerce

Describe your business's website (if it already exists include your proposals for improving it; if it doesn't exist yet, propose what you'd do)

Describe your e-commerce plan (ex. through your website or other sales channel)

Social media platforms

Identify two social media platforms that make sense for your business and justify why you chose them.

Describe your proposed strategy for engaging with follower on these platforms

Branding and content marketing

Describe your branding strategy. What voice or tone will you use throughout your marketing? What type of images or graphical elements will you use?

Describe your content marketing strategy

Paid advertising and additional strategies

Describe your paid advertising plan

Describe how you will use any additional online marketing strategies to promote your business


Reference no: EM133313065

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