Digital marketing analytics beneficial to businesses

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Reference no: EM133341249

You will put together a proposal to explain to a small business client what types of analytics options are available to track the success of new digital campaigns. Keep in mind that small businesses do not have the human resources or budget for a full-scale analytics effort. Address the following:

1. Why are digital marketing analytics beneficial to businesses?

2. What metrics should businesses track for their Web sites?

3. What metrics should businesses track from their social media platforms?

4. What types of software tools are available to help businesses track these metrics?

Reference no: EM133341249

Questions Cloud

Increase customer perception and brand equity : Describe the marketing mix elements applied at this stage and how the brand uses these elements to increase customer perception and brand equity.
Increase customer perception and brand equity : Describe the marketing mix elements applied at this stage and how the brand uses these elements to increase customer perception and brand equity.
What product lifecycle stage is mcdonalds : What product lifecycle stage is McDonald's in? Describe the parts of the marketing mix that are used at this stage
Increase customer perception and brand equity : Describe the marketing mix elements applied at this stage and how the brand uses these elements to increase customer perception and brand equity.
Digital marketing analytics beneficial to businesses : Why are digital marketing analytics beneficial to businesses? What metrics should businesses track for their Web sites?
Do you think that cultures of western europe : Do you think that the cultures of Western Europe have changed over the years and that such ethical concerns are a remnant of the past?
Develop new social innovation to be launched : Develop a new social innovation to be launched by your start-up.
Difference between high-context and low-context culture : What is the difference between a high-context and a low-context culture? Give an example of each that illustrates this cultural difference.
Explain four advantage and disadvantage of marketing : Explain four advantage and disadvantage of marketing in details with example companies.


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