Digital literacy assignment

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Reference no: EM132874369

FWS 201 Fundamentals of Life Skills - Abu Dhabi University



1. Bias in News Sources
2. The Invisible Machine: Big Data and You
3. Privacy
4. Ethical Behavior Online
5. Your Online Resume
6. Dealing with Digital Stress


Case Study One- Case of Rick

Rick, a Grade 10 student, notices as he gets to school that the front entrance now has a security camera, which is held inside a protective plastic bubble. As he goes to the cafeteria to get a snack before class he sees that cameras have been installed there, too - one in the ceiling and one right over the line for the cash register.

He decides to ask his homeroom teacher, Ms. Ellison, about the cameras. Ms. Ellison sighs and says they were put in because of an increase in graffiti, and of shoplifting in the cafeteria. She tells Rick that she's taught in some schools where every hallway had a security camera. Some schools, she's heard, even have cameras in all the classrooms.

Though he can't quite explain why, Rick is disturbed by the thought of being on camera all the time. Now that he's aware of them, he starts to notice all of the other cameras in public places. Nearly every store he goes into, and all the corridors at the mall, have security cameras; busy intersections have red light cameras; police cars have dashboard cameras that film everything in front of their cars. He thinks about photos he's posted to Facebook, and about the webcam he has in his room: is he sure he knows where those pictures go?

Rick has to do a project on a current issue for his class with Ms. Ellison, and he decides to do it on cameras in public places. As he starts doing research he learns that many cities are installing cameras for the police to use; these are already widespread in the United Kingdom, and big cities like New York and Chicago are putting them in buses, subway stations and parks. Reading a few newspaper articles on the subject shows him that while some people are worried about losing their privacy many other people think that the cameras are a good thing if they prevent crime. One article says that scientists are working to write software that will let cameras recognize sounds like gunshots and glass breaking.

The next week Rick presents his project to the class. He's taken a map of his neighbourhood and marked on it everywhere there's a camera of some kind. He points out to the class that the map came from Google Maps, which provides real satellite photos so detailed you can see individual people (though the faces are blurred.) He says that about the only place you can be sure of being off camera is in your own home or in the classroom (and, if Ms. Ellison is right, there may be soon be cameras in classrooms).

Ms. Ellison asks the class if anyone has any questions, and several of Rick's friends put up their hands. They're not asking questions, though: they're showing him that they've filmed him with their camera phones.

Questions (each question answer should 100 words &less 150 words)Questions (each question answer should 100 words & less 150 words)

- Briefly summarize the events in this case study
- list the issues it raises around privacy. (You should be able to identify at least three issues answer as A. B. C. )
- How serious do you think the issues raised here are?
- Why?
- Which is the most serious
- why?
- Does this case study seem relevant to your own life?
- Why or why not? (start answer with yes or no then explain)

Case Study Two- Case of Jared

Jared, a Grade 9 student, is surprised on Monday morning to be called into the principal's office. He's even more sur- prised when the principal tells him he's being suspended because of photos that were posted online.

It all started at a party that weekend. Someone took a picture (with a camera phone) of Jared drinking a can of some-thing - it's impossible to read the label - and posted it on a photo-sharing site, captioned with "Jared gets his drunk on." Other people in the party photos are clearly drinking beer, so when the principal saw the photos he decided to suspend everyone in them that he recognized. He also decided to take Jared off the Student Council for setting a bad example.

Jared objects to this: there's no proof that he was drinking in the photo, and he didn't write the caption. Besides, what he does outside of school shouldn't affect his school life. The principal points out that teachers are expected to behave themselves outside of school - the school board recommends that teachers not even have Facebook profiles, and some teachers in other cities have lost their jobs because of things they've posted - so it's fair to hold students to the same standard.

When he gets home, Jared looks for the photo online. He finds it, but can't remove it; because it was posted anony- mously he can't even ask the person who posted it to remove it. He also finds out that the photo was tagged with his full name: it's the first thing that comes up when he does a Google search for himself. He wonders if it will still be online when he starts applying for universities or looking for a job.

Jared's mother is furious when she hears about the suspension. She's angry at Jared for going to the party, but also angry at the school and at whoever posted the photo. She contacts the company that runs the photo-sharing site and asks them to remove it, but they say they don't have any legal reason to interfere with one of their users' accounts. She makes Jared phone everyone who was at the party and ask if they were the ones who posted the photo. Finally, his friend Mark - who wasn't suspended, because he wasn't in any of the photos - admits that he did it and agrees to take down the photos. Jared's mother then does another Google search for Jared's name, and the picture is gone. When she does an image search, though, the photo and caption still appear in the search results.Questions (each question answer should 100 words & less 150 words)

- Briefly summarize the events in this case study
- list the issues it raises around privacy. (You should be able to identify at least three issues answer as A. B. C. )
- How serious do you think the issues raised here are?
- Why?
- Which is the most serious
- why?
- Does this case study seem relevant to your own life?
- Why or why not? (start answer with yes or no then explain)

Attachment:- Digital Literacy Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM132874369

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5/2/2021 10:16:15 PM

need to go through the handout and follow the instruction + Criterion (Exceeds Expectations 5) and do exactly as the workshop (example) attached for the part 1, and for the part 2 need to respect the number of words for each question 100 words (total for the case 800 words)

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