Digital domain has created new virtual world

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Reference no: EM133256489

The rise of the digital domain has created a new virtual world that is eternal and ethereal and with it, has created a philosophical entropy state where more than ever technology has superseded cultural thought and ethics. What Jung once described as the collective unconscious was deemed once as being parapsychology or too esoteric is now a conscious reality of creation. We now, accidentally or intentionally, take part in creating a collective unconscious that more than ever has a visible presence and massive direct and indirect effect on our cultural groups as well as having a global unconscious appeal.

Reference no: EM133256489

Questions Cloud

History of psychology and different psychological theories : Identify what the word "psychology" means to you and explain how could this class be helpful to you personally and professionally?
General education classroom settings : Within the field of ABA discuss the advantages and disadvantages for teaching generalization when students are included in general education classroom settings.
Discontinuous data collection methods : What are some of the concerns that come with discontinuous data collection methods?
Think about acceptable third-place behavior : Think about acceptable third-place behavior. In what types of situations do people tend to separate by race, class, or gender in third places
Digital domain has created new virtual world : The rise of the digital domain has created a new virtual world that is eternal and ethereal and with it, has created a philosophical entropy
What are two key concepts from each theory : What are two key concepts from each theory? What is the therapist's function and/or role in each form of therapy?
Pursuit of stress prevention : Apply your new knowledge of personal goal setting to the pursuit of stress prevention. explain how these techniques might impact your self-concept.
Improve symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea : Give a brief introduction about do antihypertensive (blood pressure, medications) improve symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea?
Thinking about environmental roots of adhd : Take a look at some of the facts about the incidents of ADHD. Thinking about the environmental roots of ADHD,


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