Reference no: EM132449247 , Length: word count:6000
Project:- Digital Communities Wales
Project Brief
Following two previous digital inclusion initiatives, Communities One and Communities 2.0, the Welsh Government has recently established Digital Communities Wales.
This new initiative is intended to complement a wide range of activities across the public, private and third sectors in Wales to reduce digital exclusion and help meet the goals set out in the Welsh Government's Digital Inclusion Framework and Delivery Plan.
Nature of Study
The focus of this evaluation will be to draw conclusions on the emerging effects of the programme, both for operational practice and for recipients, by investigating the programme's (i) structural form and operational practice and (ii) its effectiveness and operational efficiency.
It will thus deal with not just the performance of the programme (in terms of the activities/outputs produced), but also its efficiency (against the resources employed) in producing them, their efficacy in contributing to the intended (and unintended) outcomes (and/or impacts), and how the programme works and whether improvements could be made.
This will require an in-depth investigation of:
• how the programme has been established,
• how digitally excluded individuals are identified,
• how the programme is performing against its targets/objectives,
• the effectiveness of the support and training provided
Provide a report bid critically discussing how they would produce a study that achieves the following:
An evaluation study providing a clear analysis of the Digital Communities Wales initiative meeting the aims and objectives identified.
Need to produce a 6,000 word report outlining the main objectives of the study and the methods that would be employed.