Difficulties that jeopardize their power and families

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Reference no: EM133439130

Question: The film "The Public Enemy" depicts a community split along social and economic lines. People who are "strong and prosperous" are shown to be oblivious and corrupt to the predicament of individuals who are lower class, whilst working-class individuals are shown to be striving to exist and thrive in such a terrible and ruthless environment. The main premise of the film is that the only way for a man like Tom Powers to overcome poverty, and succeed is to engage in illegal activity. The film portrays criminals as anti-heroes who are able to break the law and enjoy a lavish lifestyle despite the difficulties suffered by the common public. Even if they may not agree with the protagonists' behaviour, the public can connect with them. This has a significant impact on the public's opinion of criminals. When it came to societal acceptance of the film's representation of gangsters, it was widely seen as provocative and disturbing at the time. The film's realistic representation of gangsters astounded critics and viewers, who believed it glorified crime and criminal behaviour. The public enemy sets the tone for future gangster films and normalizes gangster portrayal in mainstream culture.

While discussing the film "The Godfather," it portrays the financial and societal circumstances of post-World War II, when crime was more prevalent and embedded in society. It describes the mafia as a strong and prosperous organization that acts outside of the law by utilizing threats and harassment to maintain its top position.This film, like "The Public Enemy," is obsessed with the concept of the outlaw and antihero. The film portrays the Corleone family as a strong institution that participates in illegal and unethical actions. Both of these films are a mirror of the repercussions of a criminal existence, as the protagonists encounter several difficulties that jeopardize their power and families.

Reference no: EM133439130

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