Difficulties in integrating your sustainability portfolio

Assignment Help Portfolio Management
Reference no: EM13671743

Part 1

Using the example of the chosen company, assess the 3 factors that influence corporate activities of your chosen company in the area of
ecological sustainability. They are: external, industry and company specific factors (slides 16 and 17).

Part 2

Based on Readings (Weeks 1 to 10), design a sustainability plan for that company (for example you can focus on clean technology, sustainability vision, pollution prevention, product stewardship, etc). While creating the plan remember to include aims, objectives, strategies, tactics and evaluation. If the company already has a clear sustainability portfolio, analyse it according to the above criteria and suggest possible improvements for each.

Part 3

Examine the possible advantages and difficulties in integrating your sustainability portfolio into the company's strategy.

Reference no: EM13671743

Questions Cloud

What is the highest resonant frequency : A 66.00-cm guitar string under a tension of 70.00 N has a mass per unit length of 0.10000 g/cm. What is the highest resonant frequency that can be heard with a person capable of hearing frequencies up to19000 Hz?
Compute the wavelength of the strings vibration : A steel wire with mass 20.7 g and length 1.11 m is strung on a bass so that the distance from the nut to the bridge is 1.10 m. Calculate the linear density of the string. Compute the wavelength of the string's vibration.
Two pieces of steel wire with identical cross sections : Two pieces of steel wire with identical cross sections have lengths of L and 3L. The wires are each fixed at both ends and stretched so that the tension in the longer wire is five times greater than that in the shorter wire.
A steel wire in piano has a length : A steel wire in a piano has a length of 0.5000 m and a mass of 5.800 10   -3 kg. To what tension must this wire best retched in order that the fundamental vibration correspond to middle C (fC = 261.6 Hz on the chromatic musical scale)?
Difficulties in integrating your sustainability portfolio : Examine the possible advantages and difficulties in integrating your sustainability portfolio into the company's strategy - company in the area of ecological sustainability. They are: external, industry and company specific factors.
Constructive interference occurs at a particular instant : The acoustical system shown in the figure below is driven by a speaker emitting sound of frequency 614 Hz. The acoustical system shown in the figure below is driven by a speaker emitting sound of frequency 614 Hz. If constructive interference occurs ..
Shockwave and the direction of the planes velocity : The now-discontinued Concorde flew at Mach 1.3, which meant the speed of the plane was 1.3 times the speed of sound in air. What is the angle among the direction of propagation of the shockwave and the direction of the plane's velocity?
What is the frequency heard by the engineer on train : Two trains on separate tracks move toward one another. Train 1 has a speed of 100 km/h, train 2 a speed of 60.0 km/h. Train 2 blows its horn, emitting a frequency of 500 Hz. What is the frequency heard by the engineer on train 1? (Suppose the speed o..
What was the acceleration of each sprinter : Setting a world record in a 100 m race, Maggie and Judy cross the finish line in a dead heat, both taking 9.0 s. Accelerating uniformly, Maggie took 2.00 s and Judy 2.40 s to attain maximum speed, which they maintained for the rest of the race.


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