Reference no: EM132409716
Question: Reply to the students' response in 150 words minimum and provide 1 reference
Differentiate training from education and development.
Student response: Training and development are key components organizations use to retain the right people and grow profits. "Training refers to a planned effort by a company to facilitate learning of job-related competencies, knowledge, skills and behaviors by employees. The goal of training is for employees to master these skills and apply them to their day-to-day activities. Development refers to training as well as formal education, job experiences, relationship, and assessments of personality, skills and abilities that help employees prepare for future jobs or positions. Development is is similar to training, except that it tends to be more future focused." (Noe pg. 8). "The overall goal of training and development is learning. Learning refers to employees acquiring knowledge, skills, competencies, attitudes and behaviors." (Noe pg. 7/8). Not only does learning refer to employees improvement, it also should encompass "how it contributes to the company's competitive advantage through improving employee performance, supporting the business strategy, and contributing positively to business outcomes such as quality, productivity, development of new products, and retaining key employees." (Noe pg. 8). My past work experience was within a retail environment. A lot of the training was similar, however the development varied by positions held. Training usually consisted of formal classroom training, e-learnings or computer based training, and on the job training or shadowing. The development for my role at Target was unique because the position I held was new for the company so there were a lot of learning curves, and a lot of feedback from us who were in the role, when I first started there 4 years ago. As the years went on the ideas changed and they became more streamlined, and became more profitable for the company. It was a special experience that I was glad to be a part of.
Reference: Noe, R.E. (2017) Employee Training and Development 7e. NY: McGraw Hill.
TEXTBOOK: Noe, R.E. (2017) Employee Training and Development 7e. NY: McGraw Hill. Do not use previous editions.
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