Differentiate the divisions of the nervous system

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133543198


Select two of the unit student learning outcome (USLO) prompts below to respond to in this week's discussion.

  1. Differentiate the divisions of the nervous system.
  2. Distinguish between components of neurons and glial cells.
  3. Differentiate ion channels and the processes of nerve transmission at a synapse.
  4. Identify the events involved in the generation and propagation of the action potential.
  5. Differentiate the major categories of neurotransmitters and effects.

Reference no: EM133543198

Questions Cloud

How does skins surface respond exposed to cold winter air : How does the skin's surface respond when exposed to cold winter air? The arterioles dilate and reduce blood flow to the skin.
What kind of bonds are responsible for the unique cohesion : What kind of bonds are responsible for the unique cohesion,surface tension, and adhesion properties of water molecules?
Define the word biology : Define the word biology. Name and give examples of each of the eight major characteristics of life.
Differences between plants and animals at the cellular level : Research specific examples of both similarities and differences between plants and animals at the cellular level.
Differentiate the divisions of the nervous system : Differentiate the divisions of the nervous system. Distinguish between components of neurons and glial cells.
How are single-celled organisms organized : How are single-celled organisms organized compared to multicellular organisms?
Describe the evolution of the circulatory system : Describe the evolution of the circulatory system in the following phylum listed below. Only use the characteristics at the phylum level only.
Describe the process of primary productivity : Describe the process of primary productivity. Describe one short-term, direct effect that overharvesting crabs would have on the food web shown above.
Which is equivalent to the radius of the upper limb : Which bone in the lower limb, is equivalent (developmentally homologous) to the radius of the upper limb? Explain your answer using drawing/s.


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