Reference no: EM131305514 , Length: word count:1300
Short Answer Questions -
Implement and monitor nursing care for older clients.
1. Name and describe three tools commonly used for assessment in aged care.
2. Community care was only increased by approximately 10% in 2012-13. Is this sufficient to rebalance community and residential care according to consumer demand? Give your opinion from what you have learnt and research.
3. How can messages of dementia risk reduction be incorporated into primary care?
4. The last 40 years the life expectancy has increased. Give your thoughts as to why?
5. For the older Australian whom lives in a rural area what are the issues they are faced with in relation to health care?
6. What are some of the advantages of living in a rural area that would entice health care professionals to practice there?
7. What is person centred care?
8. Pain management in older people is a very important area. The preferred approach is to treat the underlying cause however if the cure is not feasible then a symptom based approach would be used. There is a wide range of pharmacological treatment options and different modes of drug delivery. What are some of the reasons why some medications found to work well in younger persons may not work in the older age group? Give at least three reasons why?
9. Name 4 medications used in the older person age group. Identify its indications and any adverse reactions or comments that are of high importance to know?
10. Identify what services your local council/neighbourhood Centre provide to the older person in your local area. Find at least 5 services and provide a brief description on each. Is researching this information is important? Why or Why not?
11. Differentiate between hallucinations, delirium and depression?
12. New ways of doing work are needed in aged care services. The workforce is ageing itself and younger workers are not being attracted to the field. Various incentives are currently being offered to attract health professionals to work in aged care. Consider the advantages as well as the disadvantages of aged care work. Sell your job to a new prospective employee?
13. What is assistive technology and what are some of the barriers to using this?