Differentiate between federalist-anti-federalist positions

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133372529


Imagine it is 1787. Like many people living in the United States, you hold strong beliefs about the ratification of the proposed U.S. Constitution and have concerns about how this proposed government will affect your community. Being a civic-minded citizen, you have decided to compile and distribute information about the proposed U.S. Constitution.

Apply your skills of influence and persuasion to create an informational pamphlet or brochure to help the people in your community decide whether or not to oppose or support ratification.

Your pamphlet or brochure should:

Differentiate between the Federalist/Anti-Federalist positions.

Reference no: EM133372529

Questions Cloud

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What is the process to change or amend the us constitution : According to the text, what is the difference between federalism and unitary forms of government?
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Differentiate between federalist-anti-federalist positions : You hold strong beliefs about the ratification of proposed U.S. Constitution and have concerns about how this proposed government will affect your community.
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Challenge to the traditional status of aristocratic women : To what extent did the salons represent a challenge to the traditional status of aristocratic women?
What impact did the muckrakers have during the gilded age : Example of research an example of your own, explain: What Impact/influence did the Muckrakers have during the Gilded Age or might they have today?


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