Different ways to reduce the impact of stress

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM131522185

1. Stress is real!  It impacts humans in so many ways.  Please 1) Pick 2 ways stress can impact humans, emotionally/physically and 2) Discuss 2 different ways to reduce the impact of stress.  Write this response in paragraph form.

2. The burden of stress that is associated with being a man has often been neglected.  Please discuss the stress that is associated with the following two examples along with their consequences:   1) being in control/the leader; 2) Not being able to express feelings.  Write this response in paragraph form.

3. What are 2 implications and/or consequences of the statement, "boys don't cry." Write this response in paragraph form.

4. Gender roles for those who self-identify as men are started early on in many cultures.  In your own words, 1) What is one thing that is done to start to develop man-specific gender roles before the boy is even born and what is the effect of this gender role; 2) What are at least 3 man-specific gender roles that are implemented as the boy continues to kindergarten and what is the effect of this gender role; 3) What are at least 2 man-specific gender roles that are implemented in high school and what is the effect of this gender role; 4) What are at least 2 man-specific gender roles that are implemented in college and what is the effect of this gender role.  Write this response in paragraph form.

5. Males and men are less likely to report sexual assault and rape then compared to females and women, as we discussed in class. Please 1) Pick two reasons on why the reporting is low among males/men; 2) Discuss what those reasons are; 3) and why these reasons can cause the under-reporting of sexual assault and rape.  Write this response in paragraph form.

6. We discussed in length the various forms of contraceptives. Many of the contraceptive methods are used by females, while others are for males.  Please 1) Pick 3 different contraceptive methods and discuss how they work and are used; 2) Discuss why it is important for both partners engaging in a sexual act together to know contraceptive options and how they work?  Write this response in paragraph form.

7. In your own words, please discuss the 1) physiology of an erection; 2) the process of ejaculation.  Write this response in paragraph form.

8. Related to healthcare and resources, many times there are policies and services developed to help people have access to these services.  We talked about many examples related to this, including grocery stores, doctor's offices, and gyms.  These services are developed and placed in a community to reduce the barrier of access to these services.  For example, we discussed that Whole Foods will be opening a location in Bloomington, with the hopes of providing the Bloomington community access to healthier food options and therefore reducing overweight and obesity.  However, opening a location is not enough, as we discussed.  1) Why is opening a Whole Foods location not enough to give people access to healthier foods and reduce overweight/obesity; 2) What are other barriers that need to also be addressed to reduce the health issue of obesity?  Please provide specific examples in your response.   Write this response in paragraph form.

9. We talked in length about the difference between equality and equity. In your own words, 1) Discuss what is equity; 2) Discuss what is equality; 3) Discuss the difference in equity and equality; 4) Using a topic that we have discussed in this class related to men's health, discuss the role of equity and equality in this topic. Write this response in paragraph form.

10. Diet can directly reduce the risk of CVD drastically.  Discuss at least 2 diet- specific examples that can reduce the risk of CVD.  Write this response in paragraph form.

Reference no: EM131522185

Questions Cloud

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