Different types of environments

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM131679357

For this Discussion, respond to the following:

  • Based on what you have learned on the WAN technologies, there are three different types of environments that need your help. The three types of environments include a small business, a medium corporate, and a large enterprise environment. What type of technology would you recommend for these different types of companies? Justify your answer.
  • What network optimization tools, methods, or techniques do you think will be most important to you as you manage your organization's network? Explain why?

Reference no: EM131679357

Questions Cloud

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Different types of environments : Based on what you have learned on the WAN technologies, there are three different types of environments that need your help.
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Discuss enormous reserves of oil and natural gas : Certain countries of this realm have enormous reserves of oil and natural gas, creating great wealth for some but doing little to raise the living standards


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