Different training and development methods

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM133082586

BSBPMG534 Manage Project Human Resources - BSB50820 Diploma of Project Management

Assessment Task 1: Written Questions

Question 1 Outline five different techniques a project manager might use to develop and improve team and individual project team member performance and meet both project and organisational goals.

Question 2 Explain three different training and development methods for project human resources and when they may be applied.

Question 3 Briefly describe each of the following human resource methods, tools and techniques used by project managers and at least two situations where they may be applied.
Tools and techniques
Project team meetings
Skills and knowledge competency analysis
Work breakdown structure
SWOT analysis

Question 4 Describe three different strategies for managing project human resources and how they might apply in different project group and individual situations.

Question 5 You are project manager of a project team of ten people. The ten people are all working full time on the project. You have requested the team get together for three team bonding events. Two events have been held and three of the team members have failed to attend either or both the events. How might you manage their non-performance?

Question 6 Describe two processes you might use to measure and evaluate an individual's performance during and after a project against agreed criteria.

Question 7 Describe a situation during a project where counselling may need to be employed.

Question 8 Some of the members of the project team also work in other business departments within the organisation. They have been assigned to your project on a part time basis. In the last month, their managers have increased the workload of the team members. This is causing resource conflict that is impacting on both the morale and standard of work being produced by the team members and the overall productivity of the team. The team members are conflicted as to where their loyalty lies. A couple of your team members are getting fatigued as they are working longer hours yet don't seem to be finishing any one task either for the project or for their department. You are at the stage where you think the resourcing issue may even stall the project and it may not be completed as scheduled, and you are seriously worried about a team member who you feel will end up taking sick leave due to stress.
Explain using a conflict resolution process, describe how you might resolve the issue of conflicting resources.

Question 9 Explain what is meant by ‘interpersonal communication' and how it might play a part in counselling and conflict resolution.

Assessment Task 2: Identity the Project Human Resources and Activities (Project A, Website design - 3D Pot Making Venture)

You are to draft a Project Human Resources Plan using the CBSA template to plan human resources required for a project.

You are required to complete the following:

• Complete a draft Project Human Resources Plan using the CBSA template to plan human resources required for a project. The template provides guidance on the information required to be communicated to others.
• You may need to make some assumptions where information is not available in the case study. Liaise with your assessor if you are unsure of how to progress the assessment at any stage.
• Write an email to the appropriate department manager asking for advice on who may be suitable and available to work on the short project and approval for their release over the project lifetime
• After the draft is completed, select and implement a method of communication of your choice to:
» communicate to the selected project team members the project background, their project role and responsibilities and the key performance criteria from the HR plan, asking if they are willing to be part of the project. Assume you have approval from the relevant manager
» seek approval from Kelly Munro for the project HR plan.
You will need to provide evidence of the method for each action for submission
Regardless of the method of communication selected, your assessor will be looking to see you have:
• used and completed correctly the required CBSA form or template including CBSA communication protocols
• been specific when outlining the purpose of the communication
• noted any documents supporting the communication
• used correct terminology for the project and industry area
• used appropriate language for the communication
• clearly outlined what action the recipient is to take (if anything)
• state a time for the action to be completed if necessary.

Assessment Task 3: Implementing Training (Project A, Website design - 3D Pot Making Venture)
This task consists of four parts:
• In Part A you are to plan and implement a training session for project team members
• In Part B you are to measure and analyse each team members' individual performance against the agreed key performance criteria and take action as needed
• In Part C you are to write a short report on the internal and external influences on individual and project team performance and morale, and the action to be taken
• In Part D you are to meet with a team member to discuss their work and any issues they may have with other team members via a role-play

In this task you are required to plan to facilitate and implement a team building training session for the project team via a role-play.

You are aware that the members of the team have not worked together before. As the project has a very short life cycle and people will be working flexibly, the chance of the team getting together for team meetings may be difficult. You have already decided you will discuss the progress of each team member on a weekly basis with them individually rather than as a whole team.
So, you feel there is a need right at the beginning of the project to get the team together just once so they at least know who they will be working with over the project life.
Before the team building session, you will need to:
• write an email to the project team asking them to attend a team building training session including the reason why you think it is necessary
• prepare training and learning and development notes to follow in your session
» the training session is to be no more than 30 minutes
» the training session is to be a team building exercise of your choice
» you will need to outline the purpose and desired outcome of the training
» you will be required to submit your preparation notes after the training session. These can be handwritten and will be used as evidence of planning for the session.
• prepare an after-training session feedback form of no more than one A4 page and easy to complete.
You will use the results of this form in Task 4, so make sure you have a copy before you submit them for assessment
During the team building session, you will need to:
• introduce yourself and the rest of the team to each other
• follow your training and development plan
• ask the team to fill out the feedback form and collect it before they leave
Your assessor will role-playSam, the university graduate.
You will play the role of Zane O'Brien, project officer and facilitator of the training.
Two other students and/or another assessor will role-play the other two other team members you have selected for the project in the HR plan.
Your assessor will be looking to see you have:
• used and completed correctly the required CBSA form or template including CBSA communication protocols
• been specific when outlining the purpose of the communication
• noted any documents supporting the communication
• used correct terminology for the project and industry area
• used appropriate language for the communication
• clearly outlined what action the recipient is to take (if anything)
• state a time for the action to be completed if necessary.
During the training session, your Assessor will also be looking to see that you:
• demonstrated effective non-verbal communication such as making eye contact, nodding head in response to a comment by staff, removing any barriers or distractions to learning such as crossing arms or scratching head
• spoke clearly and concisely
• asked closed question/s to check understanding such as: ‘Are you clear on the information you have just heard?'
• asked open question/s to provide required information and check understanding such as: ‘Can you tell me why this might be important to the team?'
• responded to questions as required with concise answers
• used active listening techniques to show you are listening such as good use of body language, tone of voice, saying things like ‘yes'; ‘I see', ‘mmm'
• paraphrased to confirm understanding of questions asked or comments made as appropriate.


In this task you are to measure each team members' individual performance against the agreed key performance criteria, action any under or poor performance and put in place processes to improving the individual's performance and overall project effectiveness.

You are now about halfway into the project, and it is time for a team and individual performance appraisals. The following has occurred to date:
• The client has provided verbal feedback and is impressed with the way the two CBSA team members have discussed Create Pots needs in relation to the website design.
• Sam has participated willingly in all coaching sessions with James.
• Each part of the project allocated to team members has been completed as outlined in the schedule.
• All work has been completed by the team to a high standard.
• Tina started off well responding to communication from team members, but of late is leaving responses to the very last minute.
• James often still withdraws into himself to complete his task and is oblivious to other team members around him.
• James is finding it difficult to reschedule his work times for the project and his departmental work requirements.
• Sam does not always turn up on time to work activities when scheduled.

Your task is to:
• measure and document the performance of the project team and the individuals within the project team against the KPIs agreed to as outlined in the email from Zane at the beginning of the project
• identify any areas of underperformance or conflict that need to be addressed to ensure they do not impact on the project being completed on time and in full.
• Outline the steps to be taken to address any identified issues and problems or potential or conflict


In this task you are to write a short report on the internal and external influences on individual and project team performance and morale, and the action to be taken

Your task is to write a short report to the Project Sponsor, including:
• discussing, with examples, how internal and external influences affect the morale and performance of a team or group
• outlining the three project incidences that have occurred, whether they are internal or external influences and how they have affected your team
• explaining the action, you will be taking/have taken to raise individual and tea morale.
Recommending changes to the way communication occurs between program and project managers
Your assessor will also be looking to see you have:
• used an appropriate report structure, including headings, paragraphs, sentences
• used language suitable for a report and for the type of report you are writing
• been clear and concise in the information you are sharing.


You are to meet with a team member to discuss their work and any issues they may have with other team members via a role-play.

In this task, you are to meet with Sam, the university graduate in a role-play. You have agreed with Sam to meet him every Friday morning at about 8.00 a.m. to discuss his week and any issues that he has.
In this meeting, you will need to be prepared to help Sam through an issue he has with James who is coaching him in designing a website.
You will lead the meeting to find out about and discuss
• Sam's working week highs and lows
• Any issues he has with work or team members
Your assessor will raise an issue/s at the meeting and will respond to your questions.
You will role-play the project manager, and your assessor will role-play Sam.
Your assessor will be looking to see how you:
• ask questions to elicit information
• respond to issues raised in a professional manner
• use paraphrasing to confirm understanding
• suggest actions Sam can take in the next week.

Assessment Task 4: Finalise the Project Human Resource Activities (Project A, Website design - 3D Pot Making Venture)

This task consists of three parts:
• In Part A you are to document how you will disband the project team following organisational policy and procedure and acknowledge the team's accomplishments.
• In Part B you are to select and document a method by which you will receive feedback from the project team on the overall success of the project.
• In Part C you are to complete the CBSA Lessons Learned form to document the successes of the project and where improvements can be made for future projects.

You are to document how you will disband the project team following organisational policy and procedure and acknowledge the team's accomplishments.

As outlined in the email from Glenda, you are required to draw a flow chart to show how you will disband the project team.
This is to be emailed to the program manager and program sponsor with a cc to the HR Manager, together with how you will celebrate the accomplishment of the team to seek his approval for disbanding the project team.
Your assessor will also be looking to see the email is written according to CBSA communication policy and procedures.

This task requires you to select and document a method by which you will receive feedback from the project team on the overall success of the project

TASK INSTRUCTIONS • Document the team feedback requirements and communicate to the project team as outlined by Glenda in her email.

This task requires you to complete the CBSA Lessons Learned form to document the successes of the project and where improvements can be made for future projects

Complete the project review and evaluation as outlined by Glenda in her email by:
• taking into account the email feedback from the team and feedback from the team training session (Task 3, Part A)
• working out the percentage of the team and individual performance goals met or exceeded by using the following formula:

the number of performance goals met or exceeded/the total number of performance goals

Analyse what this means for the success of the project and include in the lessons learned report together with your workings.
Your Assessor will also be checking to see when completing the Lessons Learned form you have:
• used the appropriate CBSA form
• used correct spelling
• applied appropriate sentence structure, punctuation, paragraphs and bullets (as required) for the document
• used appropriate language for the type of document
• included relevant information
• written in a concise, yet informative manner.

Assessment Task 5: Establishing Human Resource Requirements (Project B, Adelaide Branch Office)

This task consists of three parts
• In Part A, you are to draft a project human resource (HR) plan.
• In Part B, you are to prepare for and meet with your project team to discuss the HR plan via a role-play and advise relevant persons of the outcome of the meeting.
• In Part C, you are to identify and organise learning and development activities to enhance team performance.


You are to draft a plan that outlines the human resources required for the Adelaide Branch Office project.

Following organisational procedures, you are to complete the following:
• Draft a Project Human Resource Plan using the CBSA template.
The template provides guidance on the information required to be communicated to others through this document.
You may need to make some assumptions where information is not available in the case study. Liaise with your assessor if you are unsure of how to progress the assessment at any stage.
You are required to submit the draft to your assessor prior to undertaking Part B.
• Once you have decided on the staff you think should be on the project team other than yourself (Zane O'Brien) and Paris Morales, write an email to the relevant department managers and the Project Sponsor to ask if these people can be a part of the team.
You will need to write separate emails where staff come from different departments, and the outline of their commitment requirements over the life of the project will be different. Include a request for a response and when it is required by.
Your assessor will also be looking to see that in the email you have:
• followed the CBSA email format
• used appropriate language for requesting release of staff
• used suitable structure including paragraphing, sentencing, punctuation and bullets (as required)
• spelt project terminology and person's names correctly
• clearly outlined the intent of the email.

In this task you are required to prepare for and meet with your project team to discuss the HR plan via a role-play and advise relevant persons of the outcome of the meeting.

The departmental managers have responded to your emails.
They have agreed to release their staff so long as you identify exactly when they are needed and remind them a week out from the time they are required.

You are now required to meet with your project team. Your assessor will arrange a time and place suitable for the meeting.
You will attend the meeting in the role of Zane O'Brien, Project Officer. Your assessor will role-play one of the Adelaide team members, Paris Morales, with two other people/students/assessors role-playing the other team members you have selected.
Prior to the meeting:
• Make sure the project HR plan is completed.
• Think about what objections the team members may bring to the table.
• Consider what will be non-negotiable team roles and responsibilities.
• Work out a team goal to present to the team.
At the meeting you will need to be able to:
• Introduce yourself and your role.
• Outline the project, the project goal, timeline and deliverables.
• Briefly outline the draft HR plan - you may wish to provide the team with a copy.
• Outline the project team roles and responsibilities.
• Negotiate the team roles where there is a difference of opinion.
• Ask the team members for feedback and input
• Outline the team goal and then discuss, identify and obtain agreement from the team for at least two KPIs for the team (not individual team members). These KPIs will be added to the HR plan after the meeting.
After the meeting:
• Make the changes, amendments and add any additions to the draft HR plan and submit as the final copy. Clearly show where you made the changes and/or additions to the plan, for example, include in a different colour text or font.
• Write an email to the project sponsor summarising the meeting and attaching the plan. Include:
» at least one learning and development need for the team you have identified at the meeting
» why you see the learning and development need as important. You can add that you will look to organise training for this in the near future
» a comment about the rewards and recognition section in the HR plan.
During the meeting, your assessor will also be looking to see if you:
• clearly explained the project HR plan and team roles
• used non-verbal language to convey meaning to verbal exchanges
• asked open and/or closed questions to confirm information given to team members is understood
• asked an open Question to find out the opinion of the team members on the allocation of the roles
• paraphrased to confirm understanding when appropriate
• used active listening skills, i.e. in response to any questions asked or opinions given
• asked a Question of the team members to confirm the changes to be made
• used questioning to obtain agreement on actions to be taken
In your email, your assessor will be looking to see you:
• used the CBSA email format
• used language and structure appropriate to an email to the Project Sponsor, Gavin Stead
• included the purpose of the email
• only include information relevant to the reason for the email.

In this task you are to identify and organise team training and learning and development activities and inform the team of your actions.

The departmental managers have responded to your emails.
They have agreed to release their staff so long as you identify exactly when they are needed and remind them a week out from the time they are required.
Your task is to identify and organise learning and development activities to enhance team performance, inform the team of your actions and outline how they will access the training, learning and development
To do this, you must:
• decide on and document in a method of your choice, three different areas the team may benefit from learning and development activities and how the learning and development will enhance the way your team will work together
• research both external and internal sources that the training the team is to undertake to develop each of the areas identified. The learning and development activities are at no cost to the project or the team member as they are covered by HR policies for professional development.
• you may need to check the policy and procedure to ensure any external training is within the allowable individual professional development budget
• document comparison between the sources of training with all relevant information (e.g. time, place, objective and goals of training, how and who will arrange it etc.) and select the method that will best suit your team. You must identify different training methods for each area of learning and development to be undertaken by the team.
Once you have completed the above, write an email to the team outlining their learning and development requirements.
Inform the team of your actions and the need for them to report back to the team on how they found each activity and how it helped/will help them in improving the team performance after they complete their training
Your assessor will be looking to see if the email has been written to suit the audience, context and purpose using
• the CBSA format
• grammatically correct English and correct spelling
• appropriate language for written communication with the audience
• paragraphs, sentences and bullets where it enhances understanding of what is being communicated
• the purpose of the email.

Assessment Task 6: Implementing Project Human Resource Practices (Project B Adelaide Branch Office)
This task consists of two parts:
• In Part A, you are to review the performance of one project team member against agreed criteria and initiate action for any shortfalls in performance.
• In Part B, you are to meet with the Project Sponsor, Gavin Stead, Managing Director, to discuss human resource issues arising from the project via a role-play.


In this task, you are to evaluate the performance of a team member against agreed criteria in the HR plan and initiate action to manage the underperformance.

You are required to undertake a performance and evaluation review of Paris Morales six months into the project and initiate actions to address any underperformance. You have the following information:
• Glenda has provided feedback in an email.
• You received an email from Paris about four weeks ago.
• You received an email from Brenda Hawkins, the accountant.
To do this:
• Evaluate Paris' performance against the agreed criteria from the project HR plan and document your findings in a suitable format.
• Complete the organisation's performance report.
• Document the benefits of the actions taken to the project and CBSA goals and objectives overall.
• Initiate actions as required to address any shortfall in performance.
This is to be in the form of at least email/s/calendar dates and training plan (using professional development plan template). You must submit sufficient evidence of the actions you will take
You will need to check and refer in your responses to the relevant CBSA professional development policies and procedures for implementation processes.
Your Assessor will also be looking to see if the communication and reports have been written to suit the audience, context and purpose by:
• using the appropriate format, i.e. the CBSA templates
• including appropriate recipients and/or participants
• using grammatically correct English and correct spelling
• applying an appropriate style for written communication with the recipients, e.g. business-like, respectful, empathetic
• using paragraphs, sentences and bullets as appropriate
• apply correct terminology to the content of the documents.

In this task you are to meet with the project sponsor, Gavin Stead, Managing Director to discuss human resource issues arising from the project.

Prior to your meeting with the project sponsor, the following has occurred:
• The person you had on your team to implement the IT systems and computers and software has gone on sick leave due to an operation they are required to have. They will not be able to travel for six months and thereafter will need only light duties.
• There has been a directive from the Finance Manager that all projects are to be kept within their budget and for this financial year, there will be further finance available due to scope creep, projects running over schedule or additional human resources needed to complete projects on time.
• One of the department heads has withdrawn their staff from being part of the team.
The reason they have given is that the person they have previously enabled to be part of the project can no longer do so as, due to increased workload in that department, they are now needed elsewhere, and your project is not a priority for our department.
You are not happy about this as the person was promised, and realistically, it was for a very short time that they are needed, nor the fact that your project has been labelled as ‘not a priority for our department'.
You also feel this will put an additional workload on a team that is already working extra hours and being stressed because of it.

As Project Manager, your task involves:
• An informal discussion with the project sponsor, Gavin Stead, via a role-play on internal and external influences on the individual and project team performance and morale and to discuss counselling and conflict resolution procedures.
You will need to be prepared to discuss and answer questions on the following as directed by Gavin (your assessor):
1. the meaning of intra and inter project conflict and interpersonal conflict
2. examples of inter and intra project resource conflict
3. internal and external influences that affect projects
4. the internal and external influences that occurred with your project (Project B) and how they have affected the project team and individual performance and morale.
5. potential solutions to the problem of low morale and stress in your team
6. the management of the inter-project resource conflict and how you are going to manage it.
Following the guidance outlined in the HR plan, draw a flow chart showing how you will manage the conflict with the department head who has withdrawn their staff member from the project, including what will occur if the conflict is not resolved.

Assessment Task 7: Finalise Project Human Resource Activities

You are to document how you will disband the project team following organisational policy and procedure, acknowledge the team's accomplishments, gather feedback from the team and complete the Lessons Learned Form.

TASK INSTRUCTIONS You must complete the task as outlined below.
You are to show evidence of following the flow diagram you created in Task 4 to disband the project, including:
• an email to the project sponsor with a cc to the HR Manager, outlining how you would like to celebrate the accomplishment of the team and seeking approval for disbanding the project team
• developing the mechanism to collect feedback from the project team following advice in Glenda's email (Task 4)
Completing the CBSA Lessons Learned form as outlined by Glenda (provided as an attachment to Glenda's email) to document the successes of the project and where improvements can be made for future projects, taking into consideration the feedback from the team.

You have collated the team feedback from the feedback mechanism you have developed. On the whole the team was happy with the way the project progressed.
The following comments were made:
‘Initial information project meeting was not effective - too much information'
‘Difficult trying to listen and communicate with Adelaide person who didn't know when using online meeting forum - would be good to have got Adelaide person to meet team face to face for the first meeting'
‘Would have liked the opportunity to do team building activities with all team in one location e.g. conflict training'
‘Communication between team members could have been better - a bit of a delay in getting results and feedback on tasks and or information requested'
‘The project manager tried all sorts of things to keep the team working effectively together - have to congratulate them on that'
‘Would have liked the project manager to have been a bit more transparent which would have given the team better understanding of the issues and problems associated with the project and could have offered to help or made suggestions, especially since Project Manager also relatively new to CBSA and I have been around for what seems like ages.'
‘Project manager spoke the rhetoric but was not always ready to listen or welcome other ideas or opinions when different to their own - maybe they were tired or under pressure?'

Your assessor will also be looking to see any emails and documents are written according to CBSA communication policy and procedures.
Your Assessor will also be checking to see when completing the Lessons Learned form you have:
• used the appropriate CBSA form
• used correct spelling
• applied appropriate sentence structure, punctuation, paragraphs and bullets (as required) for the document
• used appropriate language for the type of document
• included relevant information
• written in a concise, yet informative manner.

Attachment:- Manage Project Human Resources.rar

Reference no: EM133082586

Questions Cloud

How much food has transformed in the past century : Given how much food has transformed in the past century, what may possibly happen in the future for the food industry? Will it get better or worse in the US?
Specialization in the production : 1. The factor endowments model predicts an increase in wealth inequalities as a result of openness to trade due to the increase in the return on capital.
Relationship between price and cost of capital goods : On what does the value of capital goods (higher order goods) depend? Can innovation change the value of capital goods that already exist and are part of the pro
What are your thoughts on gender-awareness : The idea of gender specific needs and/or treatment is being challenged today. What are your thoughts on gender-awareness?
Different training and development methods : Develop and improve team and individual project team member performance and meet both project and organisational goals
Illustrate how the heckscher-ohlin theorem postulates : Illustrate how the Heckscher-Ohlin theorem postulates the determination of international trade. Provide diagrams where necessary.
What do we mean by root causes of migration : What do we mean by "root causes" of migration? How might the consideration of root causes influence or shift the ways that immigration law and policy are formed
Federal government overreach : Does this exhibit federal government overreach? Is the federal government better positioned to dictate what makes sense to state officials?
Assess the impact on the macroeconomy : Look at positive externalities and negative externalities that impact the economy, we can assess the impact on the macroeconomy of the U.S.


Write a Review

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