Different situations call for different leaders-leadership

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Reference no: EM132566362

Reflective Paper - Northouse, Chapter 02 Trait Appraoch

You will write a reflection paper on Northouse's Chapter 2 Trait Appraoch.

Here are the questions you should address?

1. In this chapter, Professor Peter Northouse talks about trait approach to leadership. In your opinion, what are the most important characteristics of a good leader? Explain why these characteristics are important?

2. What are some of the other things we need to consider besides trait?

3. When you think of a good leader, who comes to mind? Please explain why you think this leader is good?

4. When you think of a bad leader, who comes to mind? Why do you think this is a bad leader? What kind of changes (or transitions) should this leader make to be in your good books?

5. Different situations call for different leaders and leadership. Think of a situation you are in (home, work, community). Describe the situation and what characteristics do you need to have as a good leader?

Reference no: EM132566362

Questions Cloud

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