Different research problem using non-probability sample

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM13975816

Explain 1. what the theoretical perspectives are 2. why understanding theories are important, 3. why they are an important element in Family Life Education and 4. how they are used by today's CFLEs.

Compare and contrast "Felt Needs," Ascribed Needs," and "Future Needs," and identify which one you feel is most important and why. Remember, you must select one (you can't say they're all important) and use an example to clarify your position.

Compare and contrast the three basic types of evaluation in Family Life Education, and explain how you would use each of the three (not just one) to assess a program of your choosing. Be sure to use examples to clarify your thoughts.


This Forum includes several steps:

Identify a topic of interest and write a research problem, based on your topic of interest, that specifically looks at the relationship between two variables.

Specify the unit of analysis in your research problem.

Identify the two variables in your research problem - include: which is the independent variable (IV) and which is the dependent variable (DV); and specify the variable 'type' i.e. categorical/nominal; continuous/interval.

Provide an operational definition for each of your two variables. (if this is really difficult, your variable is not specific enough, and you should further narrow your variable and research problem).

Write a hypothesis for your research problem (i.e. what direction do you think the relationship between your two variables will be)

The Forum includes several steps:

Write a research problem that would be best studied using a probability sample.

Discuss why this research problem is best studied using a probability sample, and what type of probability sample you would likely use.

Write a different research problem that would be best studied using a non-probability sample.

Discuss why this research problem is best studied using a non-probability sample, and what type of non-probability sample you would likely use.

Choose one of the above research problems, and find a peer-reviewed journal article related to that research problem.

Discuss the sampling strategy/process used in the article. What details are included, and what information regarding the sampling was ignored?

Reference no: EM13975816

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