Reference no: EM1377596
Question1) Proposed Technology is to provide a significant competitive/ strategic advantage over other players in the industry
Question2) Proposed Technology will significantly improve operating efficiency/ operating margins of the business
Question3) Technology investment will address identified internal and/or external customer needs and demands for increased service quality
Question4) Return on investment (ROI) figures using benefit-cost analysis thresholds reliable and technically sound for this proposed investment
Question5) The current physical and human resource infrastructure of organization is capable of handling the proposed technology
Question6) Proposed Technology is Scalable and can be easily upgraded to meet future needs/ requirements
Question7) Proposed technology will have a broad impact on the different processes and divisions in the organization and not restricted to a particular process or division
Question8) Proposed technology will smoothly integrate/ blend with the current processes and systems in the organization
Question9) Management and employee approval/ consensus for implementation exists for the proposed technology
Question10) Organization has sufficient financial resources to complete the implementation plan
Analyze different types of thinking styles
: Discuss and explain four different types of thinking styles. Compare and contrast the four different types of thinking and comment on how each affects the critical thinking procedure.
Effect of the employment at will principle
: Discuss the effect of the employment at will principle on the approach of what considerations managers and workers should be aware of while in progressive discipline and positive discipline process?
Critical thinking questions
: MedMobile is a medical supply business located in LA, California, employing 62 full-time and eleven part-time employees. The firm specializes in equipment designed to improve patient mobility
Discussion on critical thinking styles
: Request specific data. You get any necessary data from team members or subordinates, then decide on the solution to the problem yourself.
Different processes and divisions in the organization
: Proposed technology will have a broad impact on the different processes and divisions in the organization and not restricted to a particular process or division
Determinants of price elasticity of demand
: Do you think the demand for mangoes is price elastic or price inelastic? Explain your answer based on the determinants of price elasticity of demand.
Powers of administrative agency
: Determine the powers of this administrative agency, and whom does this agency report to if any? Also, where do the legislative and judicial branches of government come into play with investigation and enforcement of this agency?
Fairness between auditors and companies
: Practicing professionals should place the public interest above the interests of clients, particularly when participating in a procedure created to develop standards expected to obtain fair presentation.
Discussion of critical thinking styles
: Think that the most favorable aspects of each style discussed to explain a process by which a problem can be identified and explained to stakeholders in a manner that is sensitive to their perspectives.