Different phases in the systems development life cycle

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132930019

1. List and explain the different phases in the systems development life cycle.

2. Describe your university or college as a system. What is the input? The output? The boundary? The components? Their interrelationships? The constraints? The purpose? The interfaces? The environment? Draw a diagram of this system.

3. Describe systems analysis and the major activities that occur during this phase of the systems development life cycle.

4. One of the potential problems with gathering information requirements by observing potential system users is that people may change their behavior when observed. What could you do to overcome this potentially confounding factor in accurately determining information requirements?

5. Suppose you are a systems analyst charged with gathering information requirements. You decide that you want to use prototyping to gather these requirements. It provides benefits beyond interviews and observations but also presents unique challenges. Discuss the challenges you expect to face and what processes you will put in place to prevent them from harming your information system.

6. What is the problem with the following DFD? (hint consider the DFD diagramming rules)

Reference no: EM132930019

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