Reference no: EM13862888
this assignment, you will compare and contrast the tools used to create your strategic business analysis (course project) with the tools that could be used to create a personal growth plan.
If you have used the Total Professional Advantage 2.0® Seminar (TPA), you may use your Lifelong Learning/Vision Achievement Plan that you created as part of TPA for this assignment. Also, you will summarize how these tools relate to your achieving your personal goals.
1 page to 1.5 page double spaced
If you have one, review your Lifelong Learning/Vision Achievement Plan that you created in the Total Professional Advantage 2.0® Seminar.
If you have not used TPA and don't have an equivalent plan, include content on how you might develop a personal growth plan and what tools you would use to build your plan.
Create a table comparing and contrasting personal growth strategy tools (such as those used in the Total Professional Advantage 2.0® Seminar) with organizational strategic analysis tools (used in this course and some others in the MBA program).
The chart should include the different personal and organizational tools, a description of each tool, and the tool's application.
In a summary (one to two pages), explain how these tools relate to you achieving your personal goals.
Post your work here to the Forum by Tuesday of this week. Include citations and references (in proper APA style) for your sources.