Different levels of management in starbucks

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM133771521

CLO1: State the concept of managementfunctions, roles, skillsof a manager and the different theories of management
CLO 2: Describe the current trends and challenges in global business management.

Assignment-1 Please go through the Case and answer the questions that follows.

Starbucks' Growth Destroyed Brand Value*
Starbucks announcement that it will close fewstores in KSA, it is a long overdue admission that there are limits to growth.
The founder Howard Schultzrecognized the problem that his own growth strategy had created: "Stores no longer have the soul of the past and reflect a chain of stores vs. the warm feeling of a neighborhood store." Starbucks tried to add value through innovation, offering Wi-Fi service, creating and selling its own music. More recently, Starbucks attempted to put the focus back on coffee, revitalizing the quality of its standard beverages. But none of these moves addressed the fundamental problem: Starbucks is a mass brand attempting to command a premium price for an experience that is no longer special.

Suppose you are hired by the Starbucks Coffee as CEO for Saudi Arabia. How will you help company to recover and expand its operation in Saudi Arabia?

Assignment Questions

Question 1. Tosustain and expand the Starbucks Stores in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, you have to write a report (around 350-400 words) based on the following points:
a. Identify the competitive advantage(s) in business for growth.
b. What different products and type ofservices can be offered?
c. Businessobjective/goals/vision

Question 2. Explain the different types of planning for the different levels of management in Starbucks in KSA. Include the typical time frame for which each plan is created.(250words Approx.)

Part B

Question 1. What do you understand by the term "Stakeholders"? Explain the differences between internal and external stakeholders. Explain with examples how the International forces are affecting the businesses organizations.(250words Approx.)

Reference no: EM133771521

Questions Cloud

Managing inventories-designed to reinforce the course : Your Library Research Assignment relates to chapter 12, Managing Inventories, designed to reinforce the course's learning objectives,
Federal or state legislative mandates : You will be charged with mapping out and describing four organizational policies (or parts of a larger policy) linked to federal or state legislative mandates.
Conducting research and synthesizing information : The most challenging aspects of this assignment were conducting research and synthesizing information.
What strategies and tools have you used to overcome conflict : Explain the power and how it is used at your company. What strategies and tools have you used to overcome conflict and challenges in your own life?
Different levels of management in starbucks : Explain the different types of planning for the different levels of management in Starbucks in KSA. Include the typical time frame for which each plan
Discuss four key aspects of realism in french painting : Discuss four key aspects of Realism in French painting. Discuss four factors that influenced the emergence of Impressionism as a movement in French painting.
Explain the concept and process of human resource : briefly explain the concept and process of Human Resource Planning and Describe the simple and complex issues pertaining to public management
How company use this information to manage product supplies : How would the company use this information to manage product supplies, personnel, and plan job time availability?
Performance in context of affecting employee performance : How could you employ z-scores to examine individual performance in comparison with others' performance in the context of affecting employee performance


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