Different cultural perspectives begin working on a problem

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM13320569

1. People in some groups are disrespected because they are different
• Strongly Agree
• Agree
• Neutral
• Disagree
• Strongly Disagree

2. When people from different cultural perspectives begin working on a problem, they have a hard time seeing each other's point of view
• Strongly Agree
• Agree
• Neutral
• Disagree
• Strongly Disagree

3. Diversity issues keep some work groups from performing at their maximum effectiveness
• Strongly Agree
• Agree
• Neutral
• Disagree
• Strongly Disagree

4. Employees share their knowledge and expertise with other employees in our organization irrespective of their ethnicity or race
• Strongly Agree
• Agree
• Neutral
• Disagree
• Strongly Disagree

5. In our organization, we all seem to learn and grow from our differences
• Strongly Agree
• Agree
• Neutral
• Disagree
• Strongly Disagree

6. I feel confident that my organization will not treat me unfairly
• Strongly Agree
• Agree
• Neutral
• Disagree
• Strongly Disagree

7. Working with employees from different cultural backgrounds makes me reconsider how I approach things
• Strongly Agree
• Agree
• Neutral
• Disagree
• Strongly Disagree

8. Organizational policies and programs promote diversity in the workplace (for example, recruiting minorities and women, training in awareness of diversity issues, mentoring)
• Strongly Agree
• Agree
• Neutral
• Disagree
• Strongly Disagree

9. My team leader/supervisor is committed to a workforce representative of all segments of society
• Strongly Agree
• Agree
• Neutral
• Disagree
• Strongly Disagree

10. Managers/supervisors/team leaders work well with employees from diverse backgrounds
• Strongly Agree
• Agree
• Neutral
• Disagree
• Strongly Disagree

11. In my organization, diversity awareness training programs for managers are considered to be:
• Very important
• Important
• Neutral
• Unimportant
• Very Unimportant

12. In my organization, cross-race/gender training teams are considered to be:
• Very important
• Important
• Neutral
• Unimportant
• Very Unimportant

13. In your opinion, how effective are diversity management training programs in enhancing employees' performance?
• Very ineffective
• Ineffective
• Neither ineffective nor effective
• Effective
• Very Effective

14. The skill level in my work unit has improved in the past year
• Strongly Agree
• Agree
• Neutral
• Disagree
• Strongly Disagree

15. How would you rate the overall quality of work done by your work department?
• Excellent
• Good
• Average
• Needs improvement
• Not good

16. The workforce has the job-relevant skills and knowledge necessary for accomplishing organizational goals
• Strongly Agree
• Agree
• Neutral
• Disagree
• Strongly Disagree

17. We have been able to implement innovative culture successfully in our organization
• Strongly Agree
• Agree
• Neutral
• Disagree
• Strongly Disagree

18. The productivity of the firm has increased with diverse team management
Strongly Agree
• Agree
• Neutral
• Disagree
• Strongly Disagree

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Reference no: EM13320569

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