Reference no: EM131283501
There are many types of dams that are used for the purpose of water storing. Earth fill dams are artificial water barriers. They are constructed basically by compiling and compacting of various compositions of soil, sand, clay and/or rock. In Oman, this type of dams is widely used.
As geotechnical engineer, you are required to write a report presenting the following:
A. Different components of all types of earth fill dam.
B. The type of soil that should be used in each component and its geotechnical properties.
C. Draw a neat proportionate free hand sketch of a typical earth filled dam showing all the components and describe their functions.
D. the general compaction procedure which is followed in any earth dam project
E. The regulations and specifications that followed for compaction works for earth dam in Oman.
F. The experiments that are used to control the quality of the compaction works. Contents of the renal
1. Title page (template will be provided).
2. Marking sheet
3. Table of contents.
4. Chapter 1 Introduction
Here students should describe clearly:
a) The aim and the objectives of this report
b) The definition of earth filled dams and types.
5. Chapter 2 Components of earth filled dam
Here student should answer points A, B, and C of the assignment.
6. Chapter3: Compaction and its importance in earth filled dam projects
Here student should answer points 0, E, and F of the assignment.
7. Chapter4: Case Studies from Oman
Discussing an earth filled dam case which was constructed in Oman. The discussion should include points A, B, D, and E
8. References: CCE referencing style should be used.
Submission Requirement
1. The course work is an individual work and you have to write it in your own words.
2. The report should not be less than 1500 words neatly typed using any word processing software
3. Use White A4 sheet, typed on both sides, Font - Anal, size 11, line spacing - 1.5
4. Support the report with drawings and pictures and similar relevant work examples.
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