Different combinations of learning patterns

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM13739881

Question 1: A person who wants to make the important decisions is a(n)

  • Dynamic learner.
  • Bridge learner.
  • Strong-Willed learner.
  • Avoidance learner.

Question 2: Your coworker likes to take a challenging project and solve it by herself. She is most closely associated with Use First of the ____________ Pattern.

  • Sequence
  • Precision
  • Technical Reasoning
  • Confluence

Question 3: Someone who avoids the Sequence Pattern will typically

  • Place information into categories.
  • Place a high priority on achieving goals in a timely manner.
  • Want to have a well-ordered life.
  • Have little interest in detailed directions for a project.

Question 4: Someone who always keeps the big picture in mind and likes to explore lots of ideas, often simultaneously, is Use First for the ____________ Pattern.

  • Sequence
  • Precision
  • Technical Reasoning
  • Confluence

Question 5: The ____________ Pattern uses the most words, whereas the ____________ Pattern uses the fewest words.

  • Precision; Technical Reasoning
  • Technical Reasoning; Sequence
  • Confluence; Sequence
  • Sequence; Precision

Question 6: Someone who likes to fix things without talking or writing about what he is doing is most closely associated with Use First of the ____________ Pattern.

  • Sequence
  • Precision
  • Technical Reasoning
  • Confluence

Question 7: A person who can feel themselves shifting from the use of one Learning Pattern to another is a(n)

  • Dynamic learner.
  • Bridge learner.
  • Strong-Willed learner.
  • Avoidance learner.

Question 8: Thinking based on information is most closely associated with Use First for the ____________ Pattern.

  • Sequence
  • Precision
  • Technical Reasoning
  • Confluence

Question 9: Someone who is a natural leader exhibits this Learning Pattern:

  • Dynamic learner.
  • Bridge learner.
  • Strong-Willed learner.
  • Avoidance learner.

Question 10: Which of the following is most closely associated with the Precision Pattern?

  • "Puzzle solver"
  • "Walking encyclopedia"
  • "Time management fanatic"
  • "Possibilities thinker"

Question 11: Frequent use of metaphors is a key characteristic of the ____________ Pattern.

  • Sequence
  • Precision
  • Technical Reasoning
  • Confluence

Question 12: The Learning Connections Inventory

  • Was developed by theoretical psychologists, but has not yet been tested.
  • Has been in use for nearly 100 years.
  • Applies to only a minority of learners, but is very useful nonetheless.
  • Helps you understand yourself and improve your learning skills.

Question 13: When it comes to the different combinations of Learning Patterns, it is true that

  • All combinations are useful in contributing to learning success.
  • Some combinations are far more useful than others in contributing to learning success.
  • Many combinations are actually detrimental to learning success.
  • There is one specific combination that works best for all people, if they'll just apply it.

Question 14: This type of learner has the largest number of Use First Patterns:

  • Dynamic learner.
  • Bridge learner.
  • Strong-Willed learner.
  • Avoidance learner.

Question 15: Someone who is Use First for the Confluence Pattern

  • Has difficulty developing ideas
  • Takes a fluid, multifaceted approach to a project.
  • Thrives on logical organization and detailed to-do lists.
  • Is a good follower, but not a good leader.

Question 16: Someone who is Use First for the Confluence Pattern will likely      

  • Want to know in detail how something works before using it in a project.
  • Be a risk taker who likes to explore all potential solutions for a project.
  • Take the time to learn all relevant information before proceeding with a project.
  • Need a clear plan before proceeding with a project.

Question 17: If you skip reading directions for a task and frequently miss deadlines you likely Avoid this Pattern:

  • Sequence
  • Precision
  • Technical Reasoning
  • Confluence

Question 18: Knowing your Learning Patterns is important primarily because

  • You can use that knowledge to respond best to a given situation.
  • You need to know it for this specific course.
  • Most employers will ask for your Learning Patterns during a job interview.
  • Your college instructors will use your Learning Patterns to create a custom curriculum for you.

Question 19: Enjoying using tools and precise instruments is a key characteristic of the ____________ Pattern.

  • Sequence
  • Precision
  • Technical Reasoning
  • Confluence

Question 20: A person who is Use as Needed for all four Learning Patterns is a(n)

  • Dynamic learner.
  • Bridge learner.
  • Strong-Willed learner.
  • Avoidance learner.

Reference no: EM13739881

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