Different bases that ikea can use for segmentation

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM131429856


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Advanced Global Marketing is designed in such a way so as to expose you to the realities and challenges of the discipline through case studies, scenarios and practical examples. This assignment assesses your knowledge of global marketing in a practical way.

The prescribed textbook: Lee, K. & Carter, S. (2012) Global Marketing Management. 3rd ed. Oxford University Press, and the article on IKEA and references should be addressed.

Since the goal of this module is to extend your knowledge of marketing to the global context, it is important that you do understand the impact of different marketing environments on marketing strategy development and also be familiar with how a global marketer manages its operations abroad before you attempt this assignment.

Answer the questions stated below. Your assignment must be typed and should adhere to the general rules of the IMM Graduate School of Marketing pertaining to the style and format of assignments.


The global marketing environment demands a very different approach to doing business. It is key to giving a company a strategic advantage in satisfying the changing needs and wants of consumers worldwide, with different cultures and backgrounds.
Applying the knowledge that you have gleaned from Lee and Carter (2012, Chapter 1) and Study Unit 1, discuss how the aspects mentioned below can impact on the strategy of IKEA. Motivate your responses.

- new economic powerhouses
- global engagement
- the new consumer
- competition
- global service economy
- technology
- global media


With reference to IKEA, describe how it developed/can further enhance a sustainable competitive advantage for its product offering. Include the following models and aspects in your answer:

Application of the SELECT model to the IKEA offering

New sources of competitive advantage
- corporate social responsibility
- knowledge management
- information technology
- relationships


In order to expand their global market, IKEA are investigating expansion into Southern Africa. To do this IKEA would need to undertake research and address market segmentation.

Discuss the international marketing research process IKEA would need to follow with respect to introducing its brand and product offerings to Southern Africa Give examples for the various steps in the process relative to the brand.

Global market segmentation

- Discuss the various methods/approaches to segmentation that IKEA could use. Give examples.

- Identify with examples the different bases that IKEA can use for segmentation.

- Suggest and motivate a specific approach for IKEA to follow in its selection of target markets.


Should IKEA decide to enter Southern Africa discuss the elements of a creative plan in advertising that they should consider. Reference should be made to their current corporate campaigns (refer the article and references to IKEA) and comment on the applicability thereof to Southern Africa, e.g. language and cultural differences. You are required to comment on each element of the plan vis-à-vis IKEA's current communications as reflected on their website and discussed in the article supplied.

Attachment:- Article – IKEA.rar

Verified Expert

The work is in 2500 words in Harvard referencing in MS word where the focus is on the advertising strategy of IKEA. The standards are also based on matching with other frameworks that look for the IKEA development parameters and how to work towards the development of strategy.

Reference no: EM131429856

Questions Cloud

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3/16/2017 8:40:28 AM

Unless otherwise specified, a maximum of 20 marks may be deducted for not meeting the required presentation standard, based on the following aspects: Structure and grammar: (up to -5 marks) The content of the document should have a logical flow, guided by numbered headings and subheadings for the various sections. Incorrect numbering, unsuitable language (non-academic and/or unprofessional), poor syntax and spelling errors will be penalised. Students are to follow the required guidelines in terms of font type, font size, line spacing, justification, etc. as set out in the IMM Graduate School Yearbook. Citation: (up to -5 marks) When including a quotation/reference in an assessment from a book, textbook, paper, author or other sources, correct in-text referencing of the source is required. Referencing: (up to -10 marks) Referencing includes both in-text referencing and the reference list. References must conform to the style and format provided by the IMM Graduate School’s ‘Harvard Referencing System Guide’. Markers must indicate the presentation mark allocated to the student, on the cover sheet of the assignment. This mark is final.

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