Differences between theravada buddhism-mahayana buddhism

Assignment Help Humanities
Reference no: EM133509472


  1. What was Siddhartha Gautama's background before he decided he had to leave home?
  2. What were the Four Passing Sights which changed his whole perspective on life?
  3. What did Siddhartha do for the next six years after he left his home?
  4. He used meditation to finally achieve enlightenment. What are the two great rewards which come from being enlightened?
  5. After this, Siddhartha Gautama became known as the Buddha. What does the word "buddha" actually mean? What was the sangha and how did the Buddha spend the rest of his life?
  6. What were the Four Noble Truths?
  7. What does it mean when the Buddha says, "attachment will bring inevitable suffering"? What is attachment?
  8. Looking at the Eightfold Path, which ones deal with the mind at the level of ordinary knowledge? Which ones deal with speech and action? Which ones deal with the mind at the level of meditation?
  9. What are the biggest differences between Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism?
  10. What beliefs do Theravada Buddhists share with Hindu believers? Name three. Then tell how Theravada Buddhists differ sharply with Hindu believers. Again, name three.

Reference no: EM133509472

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