Differences between the internet, intranets, extranets

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM1379680

Question1. Discuss similarities and differences between the Internet, intranets, extranets. (Three paragraphs or less.)

Question2. Define e-Commerce and discussow can e-Commerce businesses be categorized? What are three major issues facing e-Commerce?

Question3. Over time computers have evolved from room-sized machines to hand-held devices. What has been the impact of this evolution?

Question4. Explain how database processing differs from file (sequential) processing.


Reference no: EM1379680

Questions Cloud

Question about atm networks : ATM networks use a token bucket program to regulate traffic. A new token is put into the bucket every one usec so ATM cells can be sent during this period.
Question about processing packets : A CPU in a router can procedure two million packets/sec. The load offered to it is 1.5 million packets per sec. If the route from source to destination contains ten routers
Network crashes are hypothesized : Assume we are using Lamport's hash, and Bob's system crashes before receiving Alice's reply to a message.
Describe an algorithm to play the game of nim : Describe an algorithm to play the Game of Nim using all of the three tools discussed in class (pseudocode, flowchart, hierarchy chart).
Differences between the internet, intranets, extranets : Discuss similarities and differences between the Internet, intranets, extranets. Define e-Commerce and discussow can e-Commerce businesses be categorized?
Dealing with internet security and privacy : A procedure is said to be I/O bound if it needs a lot of I/O operations, whereas a procedure that consists of mostly computations within the CPU/memory system is said to be compute bound.
Supporting multiple incoming requests via threads : The email database server is created to accept multiple incoming requests via a socket in order to locate a specific message and return it to the customer email browser
How the specific volume of each liquid varies with temp : Using the information in the above table to show how the specific volume of each liquid varies with temperature.   You should plot a graph for each liquid and use this graph to estimate the exact value of a at 50°C for each liquid.
Processor bound programs : Suppose if run through itself, an I/O bound program spends more time waiting for I/O than using the processor and vice versa for the processor-bound.


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