Differences between production of goods-delivery os services

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133565446


Many organizations offer a combination of goods and services to their customers. However, there are some differences between the production of goods and the delivery of services. What are the implications of these differences in managing operations?




Reference no: EM133565446

Questions Cloud

What does the older workers benefit protection act : What does the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act (OWBPA) require from employers?
Compare the attitude required of an effective steward leader : How does a top-down attitude compare or contrast with the attitude required of an effective steward leader?
Analyzing organizational culture of the military : Describe what you learned about your organization's culture here, using detail and examples, and based on the questions in the article.
Differences between current budget and the previous budget : Review the differences between the current budget and the previous budget, asking the principal to provide insight on any differences.
Differences between production of goods-delivery os services : There are some differences between the production of goods and the delivery of services. What are the implications of these differences in managing operations?
Example of organisational procedure to food services : Example of an organisational procedure specific to Food Services.
Types of difficult employees : Apply what you learned from the chapter reading this week and from the article on managing difficult employees.
Difference between a group and a team : Find a resource online describing the difference between a group and a team. Share the resource and explain why the difference is important.
Describe the process for analyzing project stakeholders : Briefly describe the process for analyzing project stakeholders, including tools/techniques used and why ? Project quality management involves the processes.


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