Differences between personality tests and integrity tests

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM13544119

Read the Applications case study, Assessment Methods for the Job of Human Resources Director.

Nairduwel, Inoalot, and Imslo (NII) is a law firm specializing in business law. Among other areas, it deals in equal employment opportunity law, business litiga-tion, and workplace torts. The firm has more than 50 partners and approximately 120 employees. It does business in three states and has law offices in two major metropolitan areas. The firm has no federal contracts.

NII plans to expand into two additional states with two major metropolitan areas. One of the primary challenges accompanying this ambitious expansion plan is how to staff, train, and compensate the individuals who will fill the positions in the new offices. Accordingly, the firm wishes to hire an HR director to oversee the recruitment, selection, training, performance appraisal, and compensation activities accompanying the business expansion, as well as supervise the HR activities in the existing NII offices. The newly created job description for the HR director is listed in the accompanying exhibit.

The firm wishes to design and then use a selection system for assessing appli¬cants that will achieve two objectives: ( I ) create a valid and useful system that will do a good job of matching applicant KSAOs to job requirements, and (2) be in compliance with all relevant federal and state employment laws.

The firm is considering numerous selection techniques for possible use. For each method listed below, decide whether you would or would not use it in the selection process and state why.

I . A job knowledge test specifically designed for HR professionals that focuses on an applicant's general knowledge of HR management

2. A medical examination and drug test at the beginning of the selection process in order to determine if applicants are able to cope with the high level of stress and frequent travel requirements of the job and are drug-free

3. A paper-and-pencil integrity test

4. A structured behavioral interview that would be specially designed for use in filling only this job

5. A general cognitive ability test

6. Personal Characteristics Inventory

7. A set of interview questions that the firm typically uses for filling any position:

a. Tell me about a problem you solved on a previous job.

b. Do you have any physical impairments that would make it difficult for you to travel on business?

c. Have you ever been tested for AIDS?

d. Are you currently unemployed, and if so, why?

e. This position requires fresh ideas and energy. Do you think you have those qualities?

f. What is your definition of success?

g. What kind of sports do you like?

h. How well do you work under pressure? Give me some examples.

Course Textbook

Heneman, H. G., Judge, T. A., & Kammeyer-Mueller, J. D. (2012). Staffing organizations (7th ed.). Middleton, WI: Mendota House.


1. Describe the similarities and differences between personality tests and integrity tests. When is each warranted in the selection process?

2. How would you advise an organization considering adopting a cognitive ability test for selection?

3. Describe the structured interview. What are the characteristics of structured interviews that improve on the shortcomings of unstructured interviews?

4. What are the most common discretionary and contingent assessment methods? What are the similarities and differences between the use of these two methods?

5. What is the best way to collect and use drug-testing data in selection decisions?

6. How should organizations apply the general principles of the UGESP to prac-tical selection decisions?


Performs responsible administrative work managing personnel activities. Work involves responsibility for the planning and administration of HRM programs, including recruitment, selection, evaluation, appointment, promotion, compensation, and recommended change of status of employees, and a system of communi¬cation for disseminating information to workers. Works under general supervision, exercising initiative and independent judgment in the performance of assigned tasks.


1. Participates in overall planning and policy making to provide effective and uniform personnel services.

2. Communicates policy through organization levels by bulletin, meetings, and personal contact.

3. Supervises recruitment .and. screening of job applicants to fill vacancies. Supervises interviewing' of applicants, evaluation of qualifications, and classification of applications.

4. Supervises administration of tests to applicants.

5. Confers with supervisors on personnel matters, including placement prob¬lems, retention or release of probationary employees, transfers, demotions, and dismissals of permanent employees.

6. Initiates personnel training activities and coordinates these activities with work of officials and supervisors.

7. Establishes effective service rating system and trains unit supervisors in making employee evaluations.

8. Supervises maintenance of employee personnel files.

9. Supervises a group of employees directly and through subordinates.

10. Performs related work as assigned.

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Reference no: EM13544119

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