Reference no: EM133526312
Access to healthcare insurance has been a standing health issue in the United States. Millions of Americans report having difficulty paying their medical bills. Thus, healthcare costs can be the difference between optimal quality of life and a greater burden of disease. While the enactment of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010, has led to a decrease in the number of Americans without healthcare insurance, the overall ability of the ACA to alleviate the burden of excessive medical care costs is still being debated.
This week, you will learn about the history of governmental insurance options that have led to the Affordable Care Act. You will have the opportunity to understand how health policy implementation has the ability to impact the entire population and can play a critical role in the viability of the US economy. While reviewing this information, please keep in mind that many changes to the ACA occur on a yearly basis. For example, the length of enrollment dates, surprise medical bill protections, marketplace subsidies to reduce costs, increased coverage for patient navigators, etc. are changes that occurred in the year 2022. Each of these changes have the capacity to profoundly affect populations, with respect to the presence of health disparities and inequities.
Using the weekly readings, the South University online library resources, and the Internet, research the major differences between Medicare, Medicaid, Children's Health Insurance Program, and the Affordable Care Act.
Based on your research, respond to the following:
- How do you think current health policy legislation associated with Medicare, Medicaid, The Children's Health Insurance Program, and the ACA impacts the development of health disparities within your community and state?
- Based on health disparities discussed in your previous answer, what specific changes would you recommend to increase health equity within your community and state? Please make sure that you define health equity and incorporate information associated with the Social Determinants of Health within your answer.
What might be some transferable skills that three friends
: What might be some transferable skills that the three friends, michelle, krysia, and zac possess?
Identify the drive for a team-based approach in healthcare
: Include the key elements you identified that helped facilitate the drive for a team-based approach in healthcare.
How does obvious financial influences on health policies
: How does an employer have significant or obvious financial influences on health policies?
Explain the interrelationships among health-safety-nutrition
: Explain the interrelationships among health, safety, nutrition, and prevention. Then explain how they impact a child's well-being separately and together?
Differences between medicare and medicaid
: Using the weekly readings, the South University online library resources, and the Internet, research the major differences between Medicare, Medicaid.
Do you prefer a healthcare career that involves more direct
: Consider the following questions: Do you prefer a healthcare career that involves more direct, or indirect, patient contact? Why?
How does the disease impact human
: How does the disease impact human, animal and/or environmental health? Describe all inter-relationships among these.
Develop a history of disruptive behavior
: If a physician develops a history of disruptive behavior, belittling staff, cursing at coworkers, and being rude and curt to patients.
How does the fcc crystal structure of platinum
: Also, How does the FCC crystal structure of platinum compare to other common crystal structures, such as body-centered cubic (BCC) or simple cubic?