Differences between manufacturing and service organizations

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM133063622


1. Describe how the specific practices of PVHS in the opening Performance Excellence Pro-file support the principles of TQ.

2. Cite several examples in your own experience in which your expectations of the quality of goods or services you purchased were met, exceeded, or not met. How did you regard the company after your experience?

3. What implications do you think the forces that will influence the future of quality(see the box"What Will Influence the Future of Quality" in the chapter) will have on management practice?

4. Think of a product with which you are familiar. Describe the eight"multiple quality dimensions" listed in this chapter (e.g., performance, features, and so on) for this product that are listed in this chapter.

5. Explain the differences between manufacturing and service organizations and their implications for quality.

6. A car rental agency surveys its customers on the following characteristics:

• Cleanliness of the rental facility

• Courtesy of staff

• Efficiency of vehicle pickup/return

• Cleanliness of vehicle

• Professionalism of staff in explaining the contract and options

how would you classify each of these according to the five key service quality dimensions? What dimensions are missing?

7. Describe the key principles of TQ. (Total Quality system)

8. Why is a customer focus a critical element of a high-performing organization.

9. In what ways might the lack of top management leadership in a quality effort hinder or destroy it?

10. Why is measurement important in an organization pursuing TQ and performance excellence?

Reference no: EM133063622

Questions Cloud

Drilling for data : A company should determine its goals and values before performing an industry analysis.
Covid-19-production and operations management : Discuss FOUR actions that should be taken by the government in order to reduce the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on production and service organisations.
Find short definition of quality : Find a short definition of quality (cite your source) and share it with the class.
Lean six sigma and supply chain management quality : Starting in the early 1900's with Taylor, Frank, Gilbreth and Scientific Management to today with Lean Six Sigma and Supply Chain Management Quality
Differences between manufacturing and service organizations : Explain the differences between manufacturing and service organizations and their implications for quality.
Which is more risky of the two ventures : Based purely on NPV, the lounge is clearly the way to go. But does a risk analysis change this calculus? Which is the more risky of the two ventures?
Infectious disease planning-staffing deficiencies : Wesley Enterprises is long-term care facility. The organization was recently cited for deficiencies including infectious disease planning-staffing deficiencies
Encompasses the history of quality healthcare : Complete a report that encompasses the history of Quality Healthcare, which focuses on the ways in which quality improvement has changed over time
Knowledge-based management : Knowledge-Based Management (KBM) Systems allows for the health organization to employ new methods of processing and analyzing knowledge.


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