Reference no: EM133199293 , Length: Word count: 2 Pages
Assignment Task: Each essay response is to be 2 to 3 paragraphs in length and demonstrate your mastery of the leadership and change concepts that have been gained thus far in the course. Your responses should demonstrate graduate-level critical thinking skills and where appropriate, should be critically reflective in light of your own leadership career.
1. Describe your own personal leadership approach in either your personal or professional life. Do you think that your leadership approach is effective? If so, in what ways? If not, why not?
2. Describe the main differences between management and leadership. Based on what you have learned thus far, do you possess any management characteristics? If so, in what ways? If not, why not? Thoroughly explain.
3. Discuss your view of what makes an effective leader. Discuss your view in light of other views of effective leadership. How are those few similar? How are they different?
4. In light of John Maxwell's five levels of leadership, are you a level one, two, three, four, or five leaders? How do you know? Explain. Feel free to use real-life examples.
5. According to John Kotter, resistors(people who resist) in an organizational change initiative should be removed out of the way. Do you agree with Kotter's position? If so, in what ways? If not, why not? Thoroughly explain.
6. "Leadership is about influence. Nothing more, nothing less." Do you agree with that statement? Or is it overly simplistic? Explain.
7. For years it has been debated whether leaders are born, or are made. Which position do you hold? Provide a solid rationale either way.
8. List each step in Kotter's eight-step process for change. In your own words, briefly describe each step (very briefly...)
9. If you were to apply Kotter's eight-step process for change in your own place of employment, business, or organization, how might you go about doing so? Thoroughly explain. Feel free to use real-life examples.
10. How might the leadership and change concepts gained thus far in the course be immediately applicable to your own personal life and/or professional career? Thoroughly explain.