Difference of movement of objects in visual field

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM1393658

1. The term afferent is synonymous with ____________________.
2. Proprioception is defined as ____________________.
3. List the potential proprioceptors
4. Define interoceptor and exteroceptor.
5. Diagram the closed-loop control system shown in the text.
6. In the closed-loop control system, what is the role of the "reference mechanism?"
7. What is the role of the "effector level?"
8. Characterize and name the two vision systems as reviewed in the text. List other terms for each. Which system is hypothesized to support action/movement and which supports perception?
9. How do the phenomena/conditions of optic ataxia and visual agnosia support the dual vision hypothesis?
10. How do the induced-motion paradigm experiments by Bridgeman et al., 1981 support the dual vision hypothesis?
11. We did a pseudo-experiment in class using illusions. What kinds of data would support the dual vision hypothesis? What kinds of data would refute?
12. Describe how the angles of alpha 1 and alpha 2 help to discern time to contact (Tc).
13. Define "optical array."
14. Define "optical flow."
15. Briefly, discuss the difference of movement of objects in your visual field that are near compared to those that are far away. Think moon vs. light pole.
16. This effect clearly helps us decide depth of objects that with a subtle shift of the head.
17. Identify Woodworth's two phases in movement (e.g., striking a nail with a hammer). In which phase can corrections take place?
18. Does vision enhance accuracy? Rather, when does and when does vision not enhance accuracy - refer to the Woodworth, 1899 experiment.
19. Critically, the Woodworth experiments indicate that at about ______ ms is when visual feedback contributes to error.
20. In an improved version of the Woodworth experiments, Keele and Posner, 1968 showed that visual feedback was necessary as soon as _____ms.
21. Ultimately, and shown be experiments by Zelaznik et al., 1983 and Elliot and Allard, 1985, it appears that visual feedback can be helpful in as little as _____ms.
22. The stuff above was about a stationary target. Now we turn to whole body movements in more "open" skills. Do you recall what an open skill is?
23. Whiting, Gill and Stephenson, 1970 found that visual information may be used in as little _____ ms. How did they determine this?
24. Use your PPT to answer this simply. Elliot, Zubrec and Milgram, 1994 found that:____________ _____________________________________________________________________________ and the most important contribution to performance was ____________________________.
25. Savelsburgh et al., 1991 showed that ____________________________________________ in a grasping experiment. What was unique about this experiment?
26. In the act of catching a ball Mcleod and Dienes, 1996 showed that the key pieces of information were __________________________________________________...
27. When you have to run to catch ball is the "horizontal" processing similar to the vertical (more from Mcleod)? How?
28. What are some simple ways/methods/experiments to determine if sight is helpful for posture (think of the difference in the way blind people hold their posture in comparison to the sighted)?
29. What happened to subject's posture in the moving wall experiments (Lee and Aronson, 1974)? Adults vs. children?
30. What happens to subject's stride on varied terrain compared to smooth according to Warren et al., 1986?
31. What about stepovers and shoulder turning in narrow paths as long as sight is used, that is?
32. Would you characterize auditory processing for motor control/learning the same way you would visual processing?
33. Does audition help us to identify location? Is it accurate? What simple experiemtn can you do to show or not show this effect?
34. Define Kinesthesis.

Reference no: EM1393658

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