Reference no: EM13926964
Week 5 ANOVA Exercises
Research Question: Is there a difference in the overall satisfaction of women based on the number of housing problems (no problems, 1 problem, 2 or more problems)?
Using Polit2SetA dataset, run an ANOVA using Overall Satisfaction, Material Well-Being (satovrl) as the dependent variable and Housing Problems (hprobgrp) (this is the last variable in the dataset) as the Independent Variable.
Follow these steps when using SPSS:
1. Open Polit2SetA dataset.
2. Click Analyze then click Compare Means, then One-way ANOVA.
3. Move the Dependent Variable (Overall Satisfaction "satovrl") in the box labelled Dependent List by clicking the arrow button. The dependent variable is a continuous variable.
4. Move the Independent Variable (Housing Problems "Hprobgrp") into the box labelled Factor. The hprobgrp is a categorical variable coded as (1= no hoursing problem, 2=one housing problem, 3=two or more housing problems).
5. Click the Options button (right side of box) and click on Descriptives and Homogeneity of Variance and then click continue.
6. Click on Post Hoc (right side of box). Click on Tukey and then click continue.
7. Click OK.
Assignment: Through analysis of the data and use of the questions below write one to two paragraphs summarizing your findings from this ANOVA.
1. What is the total sample size?
2. How many women were in each of the different hprobgrp groups?
3. What are the mean (SD) overall satisfaction scores for each group?
4. Interpret the Levene's statistic. (Hint: Is the assumption of homogeneity of variance met? Are equal variances assumed or not assumed?)
5. What is the value of the F-statistic, number of degrees of freedom and the p-value?
6. Is there a significant difference in the overall satisfaction level of women in each of the hprobgrp groups?
7. Interpret the post hoc test. When interpreting the post hoc test indicate the mean and standard deviation for each group and indicate which group was signifantly higher or lower from the other. If there is no difference between two groups indicate that as well.