Difference in the mean amounts of student loan debt

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM13822919

Suppose you want to compare the amount of student loan debt for males and females at StatCrunch U. The null hypothesis for this problem would be that there is no difference in the mean amounts of student loan debt for males and females and the alternate hypotheses would be that there is a difference in mean amounts of student loan debt. Using the sample you downloaded in StatCrunch, conduct a randomization test for two means with 3000 randomizations. (Your input menu should be as follows.)

Post responses to the following:

  • Paste the output from your randomization test here
  • What p-value did you get in your randomization? Explain in the context of the problem what the p-value means.
  • Do you think the data support the null hypothesis of no difference in mean student loan debt between males and females or the alternate hypothesis that there is a difference? Explain your answer.

Reference no: EM13822919

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